Equity and Diversity

Faculty Recruitment

Whereas, The Chancellor's Registry is an efficient tool for effective recruiting of candidates for faculty positions;

Whereas, An excellent opportunity to recruit new faculty is the national meetings of discipline organizations, such as the Modern Language Association and the American Psychological Association; and

Whereas, Individual districts may be unable to send representatives to the national conferences to recruit candidates;

Accreditation and Equity Planning

Whereas, Equity and diversity planning is central to the California Community College mission and is of the highest priority at the System Office; and

Whereas, Effective equity planning entails the collection of demographic data, as well as a review of how local colleges are addressing the needs of a diverse population of students;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges revise its paper Student Equity: Guidelines for Developing a Plan to include linkages between equity planning and accreditation; and

Affirmative Action/Cultural Diversity

Whereas community college faculty still does not reflect adequate diversity,

Resolved that the Academic Senate urge local senates to intensify their efforts to recruit, train, and hire highly qualified and diverse faculty and to work with human resources departments on hiring plans to ensure aggressive advertising, and

Resolved that the Academic Senate recommend that local senates study unique ways that individual campuses can encourage diversity, and

Hiring Prioritization

Whereas "hiring criteria, policies and procedures shall be agreed upon jointly" by the local governing board and the academic senate (Education Code 87360), and

Whereas the local academic senates as representatives of faculty have primacy in determining discipline-specific program goals and student success, and

Whereas some colleges do not involve faculty in determining the final recommended list of faculty hiring prioritization to college presidents,

Diversity Hiring Technical Assistance Teams

Whereas California community colleges have been making only limited progress toward the goal of achieving staff and faculty diversity, and

Whereas the Chancellor's Office, in conjunction with the Association of Chief Human Resources Officers, has composed technical assistance teams, whose purpose is to instruct local campuses on diversity hiring procedures and best practices, and

Whereas these teams have been relatively inactive and have had little or no faculty representation, and

Chancellor's Office Oversight of Diversity Hiring Plans and Practices

Whereas California community colleges have been making only limited progress toward the goal of achieving staff and faculty diversity, and

Whereas California community colleges are currently engaged in extensive hiring activities, presenting an unparalleled opportunity to make major strides toward our diversity hiring goals, and

Whereas all districts are required to have in place diversity hiring plans and are required to provide diversity hiring training to all members of hiring selection committees, and

Action Plan

Whereas the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges in Spring 1998 endorsed the Board of Governors' Diversity Pledge (later called the Commitment),

Resolved that the Academic Senate endorse the Chancellor's Office Action Plan to implement the Board of Governors Commitment to Diversity Statement.

Availability Data

Whereas the Chancellor's Office has developed an ad hoc committee on employment availability data for use in California community college faculty hiring, and

Whereas community colleges are hiring more full-time faculty this year and effective hiring practices necessitate accurate workforce analysis (availability data), and

Whereas in all probability there will be new funding ($10 - 40 million) for full-time faculty hires,

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