
Ensuring Transparency and Input in Improvements to CCC Apply

Whereas, In 2011-2012, as a means of improving the application process for California’s community colleges, the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office, in conjunction with the CCC Tech Centers, launched CCC Apply in order to establish a common online application;

Whereas, Since its launch, CCC Apply has helped over ten million students apply for admission to one of California’s 116 community colleges, showing that this software has a strong demand and can help prospective students overcome challenges in completing the application process;

Paper and Resources for Evaluating Placement in English, English as a Second Language, and Mathematics Pathways

Whereas, All placement methods, including the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office “default placement rules,” must be evaluated regularly for efficacy and bias; and

Whereas, Substantial shifts in placement, enrollment, and successful completion have been experienced as a result of both full AB 705 (Irwin, 2017) implementation and COVID-19 pandemic challenges; and

Guided Self-Placement

Whereas, The implementation of California Community Colleges Guided Pathways depends on students making important decisions about their own futures, including students identifying their educational goals, understanding different pathway options, and analyzing different coursework to navigate their education;

Whereas, Research indicates that students who engage metacognitively with their learning are more likely to persist, succeed in coursework, and complete;[1] and

Writing Assessment for the Common Assessment System

Whereas, Resolution 18.01 F14 recommended that “the Common Assessment Initiative include writing samples as a required component of the common assessment and that the writing samples are scored by human readers whose participation will inform assessment procedures that promote the growth of students across the composition sequence”;

Whereas, Many college districts are assessing students who are incarcerated or students who may be disadvantaged due to a variety of circumstances that prevent them from using or accessing computers to type writing samples; and

Validation of Statewide Multiple Measures

Whereas, The use of multiple measures when placing students into courses in English, English as a Second Language, reading, and mathematics is required by Title 5 §55522 of the California Code of Regulations;

Whereas, Many multiple measures that are currently used at community colleges have been developed locally and the data collection and validation of those measures is the responsibility of the college;

Local Senate Approval for Participation in Multiple Measures Assessment Project (MMAP)

Whereas, The Multiple Measures Assessment Project (MMAP) has developed course placement models using high school transcript data including highest course taken, course grades, and overall grade point average (GPA), and these models have been shown to be at least as effective at predicting student success as approved assessment tests;

Whereas, Assessment and placement of students is an academic and professional matter that is the purview of local academic senates based on the review and input of discipline faculty; and

Increase Awareness of High School Articulation Resources

Whereas, The Chancellor’s Office contracted with Career and Technology Education Management Application (CATEMA) to provide a state level purchase of their services for all California’s community colleges;

Whereas, CATEMA provides the means to track and document course, grade, and other student information for students exercising high school articulation, dual enrollment, and concurrent enrollment options; and

Placement Model for Transfer Statistics Using High School Transcript Data

Whereas, Using high school transcript data, the Multiple Measures Assessment Project (MMAP) has developed placement models in English, mathematics, English as a Second Language (ESL), and reading that are currently being piloted at more than 20 different community colleges;

Whereas, The placement models developed by MMAP typically require a higher level of predicted success than many placement tests currently in use at colleges;

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