
Assert the Value of the Work Done by the Online Network of Educators (@ONE) and Suppot Local Senate Reliance on Training Resources

Whereas, The Online Network of Educators was established in conjunction with the California Virtual Campus-Online Education Initiative to provide free or low-cost robust and comprehensive innovative professional learning and development opportunities for California community college faculty, staff, and administrators in order to increase student engagement and success through the effective use of digital tools and platforms;

Disciplines List–Ethnic Studies

Whereas, Oral and written testimony given through the consultation process used for the review of Minimum Qualifications for Faculty and Administrators in California Community Colleges, also known as the Disciplines List, supported the following revision of the Ethnic Studies discipline:

Master’s in African American Studies, Black Studies, Africana Studies, Latino Studies, La Raza Studies, Chicana/o Studies, Asian American Studies, Native American Studies, or American Indian Studies


Assigning Ethnic Studies Courses only to Ethnic Studies Disciplines

Whereas, Resolution 9.03 F20 Ethnic Studies Graduation Requirement [1] and Resolution 9.04 F20 Clarify and Strengthen the Ethnic Studies General Education Requirement were approved by the delegates at the 2020 Fall Plenary Session, and in July 2021 the California Community Colleges Board of Governors approved Title 5 §55063 [2] to include the Ethnic Studies Requirement that “Courses offered from ethnic studies disciplines engage students in dynamic and rigorous instruction through discipline-specific theoretical l

AB 1705 Data Validation and Transfer-Level Prerequisites

Whereas, AB 1705 (Irwin, 2022) [1] goes beyond ensuring that students who have successfully completed prerequisite coursework not be required to repeat that work and requires that all students be allowed to bypass transfer-level prerequisite courses for calculus beginning July 1, 2024 for business calculus and July 1, 2025 for STEM calculus unless colleges are able to validate these pre-requisites using a metric that has not yet been determined as of April, 2023;

Proposed Revision to Title 5, Section 55063 Minimum Requirements for the Associate Degree Ethnic Studies Requirement

Whereas, The California Community Colleges Ethnic Studies Graduation Requirement, codified in California Code of Regulations Title 5 section §55063 Minimum Requirements for the Associate Degree, [1] was adopted upon action of the California Community Colleges Board of Governors (BOG) in 2021, and BOG President Pamela Haynes commented that ethnic studies serves as a means to help “break down barriers to equity” by placing “diversity, equity, and inclusion…and anti-racism at the heart of our work,” [2] and doing so

Promoting the Mission and Vision of the California Community Colleges Amid Changes to California Education Code

Whereas, California Education Code §66010.4 [1] notes that “The California Community Colleges shall, as a primary mission, offer academic and vocational instruction at the lower division level for both younger and older students” and “A primary mission of the California Community Colleges is to advance California’s economic growth and global competitiveness through education, training, and services that contribute to continuous workforce improvement;”

Review of Credit for Prior Learning Regulations

Whereas, The most recent amendment to California Code of Regulations Title 5 §55050 [1] Credit for Prior Learning became effective on March 21, 2020 and includes allowances for multiple methods of awarding credit for prior learning, including “credit by examination, evaluation of Joint Services Transcripts, evaluation of student-created portfolios, evaluation of industry-recognized credential documentation, and standardized exams” and further required that each district certify to the California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office by December 31, 20

Defining Success for Part-Time Students

Whereas, Despite over a decade of policies by the state of California that have implemented strategies and employed metrics applicable to encouraging the success of full-time students, most students continue to attend part-time—over 65% of California community college students in fall 2022 were part-time students, i.e., students who attempted less than 12 units— [1] and, undoubtedly, many do so for a diversity of life choices, including, but not limited to, the following:

Ensuring Anti-racist California Community College Online Faculty Training Materials

Whereas, The California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office Call to Action states, “Campuses must audit classroom climate and create an action plan to create inclusive classrooms and anti-racism curriculum,” [1] and current Student Equity and Achievement Plans are required to include action plans around race consciousness in their development and implementations;

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