
Public Access for Vision Resource Center Materials

Whereas, The California Community Colleges system has taken a national lead on transforming educational systems through inclusion, equity, diversity, anti-racism and accessibility, creating a repository of supporting materials;

Whereas, The California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office has collected documents, powerpoints, trainings, webinars, and other resources in the Vision Resource Center that are used across the system for professional learning; and

Regarding Chancellor’s Office Student Enrollment Data in AB 1705 (Irwin, 2022)

Whereas, AB 1705 (Irwin, 2022, as of March 16, 2022) [1] would require that California community colleges create a Transfer Level Gateway Completion Dashboard by July 2023 that shall be updated annually and shall contain data on a statewide basis disaggregated by regional, district, and college levels, including drop out prior to census date counts in mathematics, English, and ESL English;

Students’ Right to Choose to Take a Pre-Transfer Level English or Mathematics Course

Whereas, The right of students to enroll in a transfer level English or mathematics course resulting from AB 705 should not require that students forfeit their right to take a pre-transfer level English or mathematics course for the purpose of academic preparation, meeting non-transfer degree/certificate requirements [1], re-skilling, or life-long education [2];

Upholding the California Community College Mission – Oppose AB 1705 (Irwin, 2022) as of April 9, 2022 Unless Amended

Whereas, California Education Code 66010.4. (a) (1) defines the primary mission for the California community colleges as to “offer academic and vocational instruction at the lower division level for both younger and older students, including those persons returning to school”;

Whereas, California Education Code 66010.4. (2) requires the California community colleges to offer instruction and courses to achieve all of the following:

Support of SR 45 (Min, 2021) on Academic Freedom as of March 17, 2022

Whereas, The Academic Senate for California Community Colleges (ASCCC) acknowledges the importance of academic freedom, most recently through the fall 2020 adoption of the paper Protecting the Future of Academic Freedom in a Time of Great Change and the adoption of Whereas, The Academic Senate for California Community Colleges (ASCCC) acknowledges the importance of academic freedom, most recently through the fall 2020 adoption of the paper Protecting the Future of Academic Freedom in a Time of Great Change and the adoption of Resolution

Support AB 1746 (Medina, 2022) Student Financial Aid: Cal Grant Reform Act (As of March 5, 2022)

Whereas, The Academic Senate for California Community Colleges (ASCCC) adopted Resolution S16 06.01 [1] Support Legislation to Increase Cal Grant Awards, as proposed in AB 1721 (Medina, 2016) and AB 1892 (Medina, 2016), at the 2016 Spring Plenary Session;

Whereas, The ASCCC has prioritized support on expansion of Cal Grants [2];

Whereas, The ASCCC continues to advocate for increases to Cal Grant awards [3]; and

Request Funding for Mental Health Resources, Services, and Professional Learning

Whereas, The Academic Senate for California Community Colleges (ASCCC) adopted Resolution F21 03.03 Support for Mental Health Awareness and Trauma Informed Teaching and Learning, which calls for the ASCCC to continue to support and advocate for funding for mental health resources, services, and professional learning on trauma-informed teaching and learning; and

Noncredit Spanish Language Course Outlines of Record and Regional Support

Whereas, The state of California has seen a significant increase in Spanish-speaking residents over the last 10 years, an increase that is reflected in student enrollment trends; and
Whereas, Several colleges, including Cerritos College and Los Angeles Trade Tech College, have already successfully implemented processes by which Spanish-language versions of their courses can be offered; and

Disaggregate Asian and Pacific Islander Student Data

Whereas, The Asian and Pacific Islander (API) population is more heterogeneous than any other racial group in the US, with more than 48 ethnicities, over 300 spoken languages, various socioeconomic statuses, immigration histories, cultures, and religions, and “Asian American” is a political term originally intended to unite Asian sub-groups in a unified fight for justice and equity, and the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office (CCCCO) only publicly disaggregates API students into three ethnic groups—Asian, Filipino, and Pacific Islander [1]

Expand Methods of Data Collection and Analysis to Fully Measure the Successes and Challenges of AB705

Whereas, The California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office (CCCCO) required that all California community colleges submit an Equitable Placement Validation Report on their AB 705 implementation strategies for the lowest GPA band of entering students using a template that asked colleges to report enrollments as placements and de-coupled pre-transfer level coursework from college-level courses (with or without a corequisite) so colleges could not separate enrollments from placement, and colleges might have reported intermediate algebra as a college-level course;

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