Curriculum Chairs

Welcome to all who are interested in curriculum in the California community colleges, and a special welcome to the chairs of the curriculum committees at the 100+ colleges and districts in the California community college system: You should find a wealth of information available on this page, including links to information on California law and regulation pertaining to curriculum, documents from the System Advisory Committee on Curriculum (SACC), and links to the Senate's many adopted papers and Rostrum articles on developing and maintaining a high quality curriculum. You will also find links to this year's Curriculum Committee and to both past and upcoming Curriculum Institutes. The Curriculum Institute is held annually in July, typically in the northern part of the state in even numbered years and in the south in odd years. The links to previous years' Curriculum Institutes include handouts and PowerPoint presentations from many of the breakout sessions. Finally, if you have a question regarding curriculum for which you cannot find an answer, please feel free to contact the Academic Senate at info [at] (info[at]asccc[dot]org).

Other Resources

California Community Colleges Curriculum Committee (5C) Website,

Educational Services & Support in the Chancellor's Office Website

The Program and Course Approval Handbook (PCAH),

The Curriculum Inventory of Chancellor's Office Approved Program,