Adopt the Documents Guidelines for the Periodic Review of the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges and Periodic Review of the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges Review Criteria

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Standards and Practices Committee
Academic Senate
Status Report

Executive Committee Evaluation approved at April 2015 Executive Committee Meeting and completed evluations due to ED on May 1, 2015. Review team is being selected from randomized list of session attendees.
Adopted Periodic Review April 2014
Adopted Periodic Review Criteria April 2014

Whereas, Academic Senate Resolution 1.02 S13[1] directed the Academic Senate to “create a task force consisting of equal numbers of Executive Committee representatives and member delegates to develop a process of periodic institutional review for assessing the operations, processes, policies, and programs of the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges including the composition of the review team, what standards of accountability will be used, what components would comprise such a review, the number of years between reviews, and how commendations and recommendations will be offered at the conclusion of the process” and that the task force’s recommendation “be presented to the body for adoption by the Spring 2014 Plenary Session so that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges can undergo and complete its first periodic review by the Fall 2014 Plenary Session”;

Whereas, In response to resolution 1.02 S13 the Operational Oversight Committee was formed and charged with developing an evaluation process for the Academic Senate, and this committee held a breakout at the Fall 2013 Plenary Session to present progress to and obtain feedback from the body that was used to inform the work of the committee; and

Whereas, The deadline for completion of the first periodic review established as Fall 2014 Plenary Session would place a substantial burden on the organization and the individuals charged with completing the review;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges adopt the documents Guidelines for the Periodic Review of Academic Senate for California Community Colleges and Periodic Review of the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges Review Criteria;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges complete the selection process for the Review Task Force in Spring 2015 and undergo and complete its first periodic review by the Spring 2016 Plenary Session; and

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges assess the efficacy of the Periodic Evaluation of ASCCC process, including the documents Guidelines for the Periodic Review of the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges and Periodic Review of the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges Review Criteria, after completion of the first periodic review and report back to the body any modifications or adjustments by Spring 2017 Plenary Session.