Affirming Peer Review Processes

Resolution Number
Assigned to
General Concerns
Recognize and affirm the value and important role of the professional peer review process and work to continue to improve the integrity of the process.
Status Report

The president has repeated this message to the Consultation Council, its task group on accreditation and ensured that the message was conveyed to ACCJC.

Whereas, Peer review is a uniquely American higher education process, relied upon by all American college and university faculty to assure educational quality, integrity, and institutional effectiveness;

Whereas, AB 1725 established in law the role of academic senates in peer review, accreditation, program review processes, and planning and budgeting processes;

Whereas, The current accreditation process is founded on peer review, a process that largely relies on accreditation visiting teams mostly composed of California community college faculty and administrators; and

Whereas, Current issues and concerns with accreditation have led some to question the peer review process as an effective mechanism that ensures quality, thereby opening the door for external bodies with little or no relation to the California Community College System to impose accreditation oversight;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges recognize and affirm the value and important role of the professional peer review process and work to continue to improve the integrity of the process.

Disposition: ACCJC, Local Senates