BOG to Develop Policy to Strengthen Basic Skills Instruction and Student Support Services

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Noncredit, Pre-Transfer, & Continuing Education Committee
Work with the Chancellor's Office and the Board of Governors to strengthen basic skills programs and support for underprepared students.
Status Report

The collaboration and advocacy for the Basic Skills Initiative addressed this resolution. Academic Senate representatives will remain on appropriate APG's and BSI Steering Committees.

Whereas, A clear disparity exists between the number of entering community colleges students who are assessed as needing basic skills instruction to succeed in college-level courses (more than 50%) and the number of those students who enroll in basic skills courses (about 34%);

Whereas, Effective matriculation processes, well-designed curriculum, and appropriate student support services are necessary to improve the performance of underprepared students; and

Whereas, Many California community colleges lack the resources, expertise, and institutional determination to improve service to underprepared students;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate recommend that the Board of Governors support new policies that will improve instruction and student support services for under prepared students; and

Resolved, That the Academic Senate urge the Board of Governors to establish a task force under the leadership of the Academic Senate, including membership from the Academic Senate and the Chancellor's Office Basic Skills Advisory Committee, to suggest policy to help strengthen basic skills programs in the California community colleges. Topics may include: A reexamination of the funding formula for noncredit instruction and student services; A requirement that matriculation services be provided to students in noncredit programs; A requirement for the funding of staff development opportunities for those who teach basic skills courses; and Provision for statewide technical assistance for colleges that want to improve their basic skills programs. MSC Disposition: Board of Governors, Chancellor's Office, Local Senates