Campus Safety and Emergency Preparedness

Resolution Number
Assigned to
General Concerns
In Progress
Status Report

We have engaged in some discussions on these topics. I am not sure of how much attention we have really given to it in terms of recommending to local senates.

Whereas, Recent events in Virginia, Colorado, Connecticut and California have served to remind us of the fragile nature of our sense of peace and security as well as creating safer environments for our faculty, staff and students;

Whereas, All members of the college faculty and staff are considered "Disaster Service workers" in the face of any emergency and will be held accountable for maintaining a level of training and expertise regarding safety and appropriate response to emergency situations;

Whereas, All members of the college community should be aware, at all times, of the responsibility inherent in maintaining a sense of security and safety at each college and additionally to be cognizant of the duties that may become crucial in an emergency situation; and

Whereas, Issues regarding safety of facilities including lighting, keys, access, phone service, accessibility and evening operations falls under the auspices of the administration and the district but have a direct impact on college faculty and staff;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges encourage local senates to work with their collective bargaining colleagues to create and develop professional development programs of safety training including but not limited to issues involved in natural disasters, campus emergencies and violent attacks and to include all appropriate campus constituencies in that endeavor; and

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges encourage local senates to work with their college administrations to evaluate current facility safety issues, including campus lighting, parking lot call boxes, sufficient campus security, and create and implement a plan to address safety deficiencies.