Datamart Progress Tracking for California Community College ESL Coding

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Resolutions Committee
Not Addressed
Status Report

It was discovered that this resolution may have been premature. Executive Committee members have been assigned to will take the lead in working with the appropriate individual(s) to perfect and bring a resolution back to the body at the spring 2014 plenary session.

Whereas, Many California Community College ESL departments report inaccuracies in the California Community College Chancellor’s Office Basic Skills Progress Tracker (Datamart) that have resulted in inaccurate measuring and reporting of student success to campus administrations and outside entities;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges request that California community colleges review data collection processes for accuracy in CB 21 coding before the data is publicized and disseminated to inform programmatic and policy decisions.

MSR: Referred to the Executive Committee for perfecting (with input from the field) to be brought back to the body in Spring 2014. Leigh Anne Shaw from Skyline College is the main contact for this.