Disciplines List Process

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Standards and Practices Committee
Disciplines List
Status Report

A shortened process was approved by the Executive in Fall 2005 for implementation in Spring 2006.

Whereas, The Disciplines List process is now concluded every three years;

Whereas, Currently, Disciplines List changes entail an eighteen-month process, thus leaving eighteen months where Disciplines List issues are not addressed;

Whereas, The timeframe for the Disciplines List process and recommendations to the Board of Governors could realistically be shortened without sacrificing any of the essential procedural elements; and

Whereas, The Disciplines List hearings, though important, are not well attended;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges explore the possibility of a process for Disciplines List review and revision that shortens the time between Academic Senate recommendations to the Board of Governors;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges ensure that the revised process include a mechanism for feedback and improvement of proposals; and

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges consider attaching Disciplines List hearings to Academic Senate plenary sessions, institutes, and discipline meetings. MSC Disposition: Board of Governors, Consultation Council, Local Senates