Evaluating Current District Governance Structures

Resolution Number
Assigned to
General Concerns
Not Addressed
Status Report

I have no idea of what we would even do with this one.  Didn't we just assign this back to Richard at one point?

Whereas, California community colleges face the most severe fiscal challenges in their history in the current recession;

Whereas, Many colleges are struggling as a result of problematic leadership at the level of the governing board, while colleges in multi-college districts suffer bureaucracies which provide no direct service to students but consume millions of dollars while class sections are slashed; and

Whereas, The Little Hoover Commission reviewed the current state of California community colleges throughout 2011, including the effectiveness of current district governing board and district administrative structures, without finding any evidence of weakness, despite the plethora of colleges which are under accreditation sanction as a result of failings of trustees or district offices in multi-college districts;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges undertake its own review of the virtues and failings of current district governing board and district administrative structures, with particular attention to the way limited and declining resources can be preserved for instructional and student services; and

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges consider pursuing modifications to existing district governing board and district administrative structures which would enhance college control and improve educational leadership and student success.

MSC Disposition: Local Senates