Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Local Curriculum Processes

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Curriculum Committee
Status Report

The publication of the Rostrum article February 2016, coupled with the approval of the effective curriculum approval paper in spring 2016 completes this resolution.

Whereas, The Recommendations of the California Community Colleges Task Force on Workforce, Job Creation, and a Strong Economy (August 14, 2015)[1] identified six recommendations for improving curriculum processes, including the recommendation to “evaluate, revise and resource the local, regional, and statewide CTE curriculum approval process to ensure timely, responsive, and streamlined curriculum approval”;

Whereas, The reported inefficiencies of local curriculum processes are often cited as the reason courses and programs are not approved in a timely enough manner to meet student, community, and industry needs; and

Whereas, Colleges may benefit from an evaluation of their local curriculum processes that leads to improvements in the effectiveness and efficiency that allow for more timely responses to student, community, and industry needs;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges strongly urge local senates and curriculum committees to evaluate their curriculum approval processes in order to ensure that curriculum is developed, revised, and implemented in a timely manner, while preserving the integrity and rigor of the review process.


[1] Please go to http://doingwhatmatters.cccco.edu/Portals/6/docs/SW/2015_08_22%20BOG%20TF%20DRAFT%20report%20v5.pdf to review the draft recommendations of the Workforce Task Force.