Faculty Access to Diversity and Equity Research

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Equity and Diversity Action Committee
Equity and Diversity
Make available to faculty teaching materials and/or teaching strategies related to diversity and equity, which can enhance their teaching; and explore the possibility of hosting meetings or faculty development events where faculty can share and disseminate effective teaching methods for serving our diverse students.
Status Report

This resolution is completed because its intent is included in the charge of the Committee. The topic is covered in Institutes, basic skills work, and often SLO workshops. In addition, two papers were approved in 2009-10 that focused on equity issues.

Whereas, A significantly high percentage of students from historically underrepresented populations are enrolled in the California Community College System;

Whereas, Faculty are seeking to increase their knowledge base regarding diversity curriculum infusion and teaching strategies for our diverse student population;

Whereas, Access to high quality, current, seminal research and resources helps foster greater cultural competency; and

Whereas, There is published research available that either gives culture-general or culture-specific strategies to increase student engagement and success;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges make available to faculty teaching materials and/or teaching strategies related to diversity and equity, which can enhance their teaching; and

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges explore the possibility of hosting meetings or faculty development events where faculty can share and disseminate effective teaching methods for serving our diverse students. MSC Disposition: Local Senates