Faculty Development Funding

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Faculty Leadership Development Committee
Faculty Development
Status Report

The committee recommends a concerted effort to collaborate with other statewide faculty development organizations, including (but not limited to) 4C/SD and FACCC faculty development committee, to form a coalition to advocate for increased focus on faculty development in terms of funding from the state for local committees and activities and increased awareness at all levels of our educational system of the essential nature of a robust faculty development component to be effective as teachers and community college leaders.

Whereas, Education Code §87151 and §87154 make reference to the provision of funds for the purposes of community college faculty and staff development;

Whereas, Processes for faculty professional development activities and processes for institutional planning and budget development are among the 10+1 responsibilities of academic senates identified in Title 5 §53200;

Whereas, Some local boards of trustees and administrators within the California Community College System provide inadequate resources and do not appropriately support local senate policies, processes, and requests for professional development and academic support; and

Whereas, The current budget crisis has reportedly put additional pressures on faculty development committees to divert funds away from their intended purposes;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges explore with local colleges the historical and current funding levels for faculty development committees, faculty representation, decision making processes, and types of activities that are funded by faculty development committees and present its findings in an appropriate venue; and

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges consider future actions to support local senates relative to faculty development functions.

MSC Disposition: Local Senates