Re-Evaluate CSU Service Areas

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Intersegmental Issues

Whereas, Academic Senate Resolution 15.03 S04 on California State University (CSU) Service Areas called attention to the geographically discriminatory practice of the CSU system defining local service areas for each of its 23 campuses that exclude community colleges that historically transfer a significant number of students to the CSU campuses;

Whereas, Academic Senate Resolution 15.03 S04 called for the Senate to enter into a dialog with the CSU Academic Senate regarding the composition of local service areas and their impact on community college transfer students, which occurred but did not result in the desired outcome;

Whereas, The current funding climate has focused attention back on the issue of service areas, leading the CSU campuses to expand the practice of excluding from their local service areas California community colleges that transfer a significant number of students; and

Whereas, Students who apply to a CSU but attended a community college outside of that CSU’s service area are unfairly held to higher admission requirements than students who attended community colleges within the CSU’s service area;

Resolved, That Academic Senate for California Community Colleges recommend that local faculty urge their college presidents and chancellors to work with their California State University counterparts to re-evaluate their local service area policies in order to eliminate arbitrary and discriminatory admission practices that unfairly disadvantage students; and

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges take the issue of California State University service areas to the Consultation Council and ask the Consultation Council to encourage the California community college Chancellor to discuss with the California State University Chancellor the elimination of arbitrary and discriminatory admission practices that unfairly disadvantage students.

MSC Disposition: ICAS, Chancellor’s Office, Local Senates