Support Legislation to Increase Cal Grant Awards

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Legislative and Advocacy Committee
State and Legislative Issues
Status Report

Letters of support provided to the legislature.

Whereas, President Obama has recognized both the importance of community colleges in higher education and the need to reduce financial barriers to higher education by proposing free tuition for students who attend community college;

Whereas, California has been providing free or low cost tuition for community college students for over 40 years, currently allowing nearly 60% of community college students to receive free tuition, yet the total cost of all expenses and lack of sufficient financial aid often make community college attendance in California more expensive than attending the University of California or the California State University;

Whereas, AB 1721 (Medina, as of January 28, 2016) would increase Cal Grant B Access Awards to $3,000, increase the number of competitive awards to 30,000, and increase the age limit to be eligible for the transfer entitlement; and

Whereas, AB 1892 (Medina, as of January 28, 2016) would increase Cal Grant C Access Awards to community colleges students to $3,000, would permit these awards to be used for all living expenses, and would create an entitlement program for career technical education students similar to the Cal Grant A or B programs;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges support the increases proposed in AB 1721 (Medina, as of January 28, 2016) and AB 1892 (Medina, as of March 28, 2016).