Using Anticipated Savings from Adopting the Common Course Management System to Support Online Faculty Professional Development Needs

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Consultation Council
Faculty Development
Status Report

We sent out blasts urging this position. Not much more we can do, I think.

Whereas, The California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office (CCCCO) has proposed that if the system could purchase a Common Course Management System (CCMS) for distance education courses throughout the state, it would provide an “economy of scale,” allowing this course management system to be provided at little or no cost to colleges and districts;

Whereas, The CCCCO is hopeful that a potentially significant migration to a CCMS would provide the system leverage to create or purchase a system that exceeds those course management systems currently on the market;

Whereas, While the adoption of a CCMS would be optional for local colleges, local senates and faculty potentially could feel great pressure to adopt this system because of anticipated budgetary savings arising from migration to the CCMS; and

Whereas, A conversion between course management systems without careful forethought may result in unanticipated financial and personnel costs for the college and place burdens upon faculty, including but not limited to training in the new system and conversion of course materials, assignments, and other materials into the new system;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges urge local senates and bargaining units to work with their administrations to ensure that any monetary savings which

may result from a district or college transitioning to a Common Course Management System (CCMS) be used primarily to support the professional development needs of distance education faculty making the transition to the new CCMS.