2023 Faculty Leadership Institute Program

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Wednesday, June 14, 2023

12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. Lunch

(Westin Ballroom Foyer)

1:00 p.m. to 1:15 p.m.  General Session 1 (hybrid)

(Westin Ballroom)

Welcome from SSCCC and ASCCC Presidents

Cheryl Aschenbach, ASCCC President
Clemaus Tervalon, SSCCC Outgoing President 22-23
Ivan Hernandez, SSCCC Incoming Vice President 23-24

1:30 p.m. to 2:45 p.m.  General Session 2 (hybrid)

(Westin Ballroom)

Understanding the 10+1 and the 9+1: Collegial Consultation and Effective Participation

Robert Alexander, SSCCC Incoming VP Regional Affairs
Juan Arzola, ASCCC At-Large Representative
LaTonya Parker, ASCCC Secretary

Students and faculty are both identified in Title 5 as having specific roles and responsibilities in participatory governance, the 9+1 areas of effective participation for students and the 10+1 academic and professional matters for collegial consultation with faculty. While perspectives between faculty and students may differ, many areas of participation and responsibility overlap. This overlap creates an opportunity to learn from each other and to advocate together to meet the needs of students. Join us to explore collaborative methods for working with each other and with other college stakeholders to provide high-quality programs and services in pursuit of shared aspirations.

2:45 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.  Break

3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.  General Session 3 (hybrid)

(Westin Ballroom)

The Brown Act in a Post-State-of-Emergency World

Jerry Reyes, SSCCC Incoming LAD Region V Representative
Manuel Vélez, ASCCC Vice President
María-José Zeledón-Pérez, ASCCC Area D Representative

Academic Senates have the opportunity to promote transparency and inclusion by complying with the Brown Open Meeting Act, as well as a legal obligation to do so. The Brown Act requires local government business to be conducted at open and public meetings, except in certain limited situations. It is based upon state policy that the people must be informed when a government agency takes action on their behalf. This session will provide an introductory overview of the Ralph M. Brown Act with a focus on how to remain in compliance as we prepare for the return to in-person meetings and consider the impact of the new rules regarding teleconferencing.

4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Mix and Mingle with ASCCC and SSCCC (In-Person)

(Westin Ballroom Foyer)

Come join us to unwind and relax with your colleagues during this no-host Mix and Mingle.

Thursday, June 15, 2023

8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.  Registration Opens and Breakfast

(Westin Ballroom Foyer)

9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.  General Session 4 (hybrid)

(Westin Ballroom)

Hot Topics for Academic and Student Senates

Cheryl Aschenbach, ASCCC President
Ivan Hernandez, SSCCC Incoming Vice President 23-24
Eric Wada, ASCCC North Representative

As academic and students senate leaders prepare for the 2023-2024 academic year, they should consider the projects, initiatives, and tasks that may be a part of student and academic senate work. Together with attendees, presenters will highlight  selected current and upcoming hot topics and will share some ideas for how local senates can prepare for the work ahead.

10:15 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.  General Session 5 (hybrid)

(Westin Ballroom)

Building Productive Partnerships with Other Leaders

Carlos Guerrero, ASCCC South Representative
Erik Reese, ASCCC Area D Representative
Dani Silva, SSCCC Incoming Communications Officer  

No matter the type of leadership - student senate, academic senate, curriculum committee, or something else completely - collaborating with others is critical. Presenters will identify key partnerships for student and faculty leaders to cultivate and discuss strategies that may be helpful for building effective partnerships, particularly for advancing inclusion, diversity, equity, anti-racism, and accessibility (IDEAA).

11:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.    General Session 6 (hybrid)

(Westin Ballroom)

Academic Freedom: a Cornerstone in Higher Education and Equity

Juan Arzola, ASCCC At-Large Representative
Ivan Hernandez, SSCCC Incoming Vice President 23-24
Christopher Howerton, ASCCC At-Large Representative

Attacks on academic freedom are intensifying nationally. In Higher Education there is much debate and confusion on what exactly is academic freedom and how it is different from free speech. Accreditation also requires that our institutions have governing board policies on academic freedom, but is having a policy enough and do these policies fully support academic freedom? Come join in the dialogue, as this session will consider some big questions. How does academic freedom impact students as well as faculty? How is academic freedom an important element of inclusion, diversity, equity, anti-racism, and accessibility? How is academic freedom necessary for open discourse within our disciplines? And what role does your local and state academic senate have in this work?

12:15 p.m. to 1:15 p.m.  Lunch

(Westin Ballroom)

1:15 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.    General Session 7 (hybrid)

(Westin Ballroom)

HELP! An Introduction to ASCCC Resources to Support Your Senate Work

Carlos Guerrero, ASCCC South Representative
Christopher Howerton, ASCCC At-Large Representative
Eric Wada, ASCCC North Representative

As a response to identified needs and common questions, the ASCCC Executive Committee (and standing committees) regularly develop and update resources to support local senate work. Have questions about curriculum? Confused about open meeting requirements? Need support on advancing IDEAA locally? We got you! This session will provide an overview of some of the resources and services that ASCCC provides to support local senates.

2:15 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.   General Session 8 (hybrid)

(Westin Ballroom)

Collective Voice for Equity: Resolutions Process Overview

Erik Reese, ASCCC Area D Representative
Kimberley H. Stiemke, ASCCC South Representative

Resolutions are the formal process by which the faculty body expresses positions and directs the work of the ASCCC on academic and professional matters. This process allows us to engage in critical conversations that are necessary to challenge the status quo, using our collective voices to remove barriers that hinder student success. We will provide an overview of the ASCCC resolutions process, including how resolutions provide direction for the ASCCC, how to write and submit resolutions, and the process by which delegates consider and debate resolutions at plenary session.  Useful guidelines and resources will also be discussed, such as the Resolutions Handbook.

3:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.  Snack Break

3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.  Breakout Session 1 (In-Person)

Leading Faculty Conversations on Academic Integrity in the Age of Artificial Intelligence and IDEAA

(Poplar Room)

Juan Arzola, ASCCC At-Large Representative
Carlos Guerrero, ASCCC South Representative
Eric Wada, ASCCC North Representative

Let’s face it…in recent years, faculty conversations have been increasingly difficult, particularly conversations related to inclusion, diversity, equity, Anti-racism, and accessibility (IDEAA). Faculty conversations become even more challenging when new phenomena occur, such as the case with the development of and easy access to artificial intelligence programs like ChatGPT. Consider attending this session to discuss strategies with leading and reframing academic integrity conversations and practices in the age of artificial intelligence and IDEAA framework.

Succession Planning - Setting up a Diverse Academic Senate

(Laurel Room)

Karen Chow, ASCCC Area B Representative
LaTonya Parker, ASCCC Secretary

Succession planning is an important component of ensuring stable Academic Senate leadership and workflow, as well as a smooth transition of faculty leaders and officers in your Senate.  Join us to discuss strategies for inclusive, diverse, and smooth succession planning for your Academic Senate leadership.

A Deeper Dive on Resolutions - What do they mean? What do they do? How do we write them? What can they address?

(Oak Room)

Erik Reese, ASCCC Area C Representative
Robert L. Stewart Jr., ASCCC Treasurer
Kimberley H. Stiemke, ASCCC South Representative  

Whereas, at local, district, and statewide levels, academic senates rely on clear, actionable resolutions to set their direction and take positions; and Whereas, The ASCCC resolutions process is an inclusive and transparent process that allows for all California community college faculty to participate in making policy recommendations that guide and impact our system;

Resolved, that attendees come to this session to learn how to develop statewide resolutions that are more likely to be approved; and

Resolved, the presenters will delve deeper into the details of the Resolutions Handbook and help participants fine-tune resolutions for the Mock Plenary session on Saturday.  

Local Academic Senates - Planning Agendas and Running Effective Meetings


Manuel Vélez, ASCCC Vice President
María-José Zeledón-Pérez, ASCCC Area D Representative

One of the most important responsibilities of the Academic Senate leaders is to chair the Academic Senate meetings. These meetings are the space where Senate business is conducted and where faculty engages in crucial conversations and debate. To run an effective and efficient meeting it is necessary to set up an agenda prior to the meeting. This session will focus on strategies to help Senate leadership prepare for and run effective Senate meetings that still allow for constructive debate.  Special emphasis will be placed on topics such as planning agendas, parliamentary procedures, timelines for motions and resolutions, and working with outside groups. We will also place emphasis on strategies for developing and accomplishing long-term goals.

4:45 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.  General Session 9 (hybrid)

(Westin Ballroom)

What Should I Do When...?

Karen Chow, ASCCC Area B Representative
Kimberley H. Stiemke, ASCCC South Representative
María-José Zeledón-Pérez, ASCCC Area D Representative

Join us for an interactive session where we will look at leadership scenarios for issues that come up for local Senate leaders. As a community of learners, we will discuss potential approaches to handling conflict in supportive and culturally affirming ways.

5:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.  Mock Resolutions Due

(Laurel Room)

All mock resolutions must be submitted electronically via an email attachment to resolutions [at] asccc.org. Emails should also include name, college, and email information for the contact and four voting delegates.

6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.  Reception and FELA Academy Recognition Ceremony

(Westin Ballroom Foyer)

Friday, June 16, 2023

8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.  Registration and Breakfast Open

(Westin Ballroom Foyer)

9:00 a.m. to 10:45 a.m.    Area Meetings (hybrid)

This four-Area grouping is the formal basis for local senate representation to the Executive Committee of the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges. The groups discuss matters of concern to their Areas. Come meet your Area Representatives and engage with other senate leaders in your Area! To see which colleges are in each area, see: https://asccc.org/area-news

Area A: Stephanie Curry (Poplar Room)
Area B: Karen Chow (Laurel Room)
Area C: Erik Reese (Oak Room)
Area D: María-José Zeledón-Pérez (Hickory/Hawthorn)

11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.  Breakout Session 2 (In-person)

Finding Our Way: Navigating Difficult Conversations

(Poplar Room)

Juan Arzola, ASCCC At-Large Representative
Kimberley H. Stiemke, ASCCC South Representative
Eric Wada, ASCCC North Representative

Learning how to effectively navigate difficult conversations is a necessary component of leadership. This skill becomes even more important when such conversations involve IDEAA. Join us for this interactive session as we convene a community of leader-learners to discuss potential ways to handle micro/macroaggressions in supportive and culturally affirming ways.

Reimagining the ASCCC: 2023-2026 Strategic Directions

(Laurel Room)

Christopher Howerton, ASCCC At-Large Representative
LaTonya Parker, ASCCC Secretary
Robert L. Stewart, Jr., ASCCC Treasurer

On April 22, 2023, during the spring plenary the delegates approved the Reimagining with Purpose 2023-2026 Strategic Plan developed December 2022-February 2023 by the Executive Committee. The overarching goals and strategies in the plan offer guidance for the Executive Board for the next three years' planning. During this session, ASCCC leadership will discuss activity alignment areas of innovative, substantial actions dealing with the strategic blocks in our way and movement toward our envisioned future. Come join us in an open, transparent, and inclusive session on the three-year plan.

A Sense of Belonging: Inviting/Engaging Underrepresented Faculty to Participate and Contribute

(Oak Room)

Carlos Guerrero, ASCCC South Representative
María-José Zeledón-Pérez, ASCCC Area D Representative

Having a place at the table provides an opportunity for faculty to use their voice in decision making for transformational change. Having diverse voices is imperative to strengthen the work to improve our processes and systems for student success. Specifically for underrepresented faculty it is imperative to be heard. For that to happen, colleges must provide a culture of belonging. A sense of belonging denotes a feeling of relatedness or connection to others. Academic senates serve a unique role on our California community college campuses to ensure that underrepresented faculty become part of the campus conversation. It is well established in educational leadership research that decision-making is at its best when diverse voices are amplified and when alternative perspectives are considered. Decisions are often influenced by who occupies the leadership role, and faculty from underrepresented groups are not being equitably elevated to positions of leadership in our academic senates and decision-making committees. Come join us in this very important discussion on intentionally including Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) in faculty leadership roles on our campuses.

Resolution and Amendment Writing: Resolutions Office Hour


Erik Reese, ASCCC Area C Representative
Manuel Vélez, ASCCC Vice President

Come ask and discuss unresolved questions about any aspect of the resolutions process and receive guidance on writing resolutions and amendments for the mock plenary.  In this highly interactive session, the participants determine what to discuss as we collaboratively brainstorm thoughts and answers to your questions.

12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.  Lunch

(Westin Ballroom Foyer)

1:00 p.m.  Mock Amendments Due

(Laurel Room)

Mock Resolutions submitted as urgent and mock amendments to previously published resolutions must be submitted electronically via an email attachment to resolutions [at] asccc.org. Emails should also include name, college, and email information for the contact and four voting delegates.

1:15 p.m. to 2:15 p.m.  General Session 10 (hybrid)

(Westin Ballroom)

Understanding Legislation and Budget Processes

Cheryl Aschenbach, ASCCC President
Manuel Velez, ASCCC Vice President

As the legislature increasingly passes laws impacting academic and professional matters, it is imperative that faculty stay informed on the budget and legislative processes and increase local and statewide advocacy efforts. Presenters will review the budget and legislative processes and discuss ways faculty, especially local academic senate leaders, can engage in advocacy.

2:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.  General Session 11 (hybrid)

(Westin Ballroom)

Name that Academic and Professional Matter!

LaTonya Parker, ASCCC Secretary
Robert L. Stewart Jr., ASCCC Treasurer

As academic senate leaders, we often find ourselves in situations trying to determine or explain how an issue at our local college is considered an academic and professional matter. This session aims to provide attendees with essential information on academic and professional matters (10+1) and equip them with the skills to identify and address these matters. The session will offer attendees a series of relevant scenarios, based on real issues, that they may encounter in their role as an academic senate leader. The interactive approach of this session will enable attendees to apply the concepts learned to personal experiences and build self confidence in addressing academic and professional matters locally. Join us for this general session to examine and discuss scenarios and engage in a fun activity...name that academic and professional matter!

3:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.  Break

4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.  General Session 12 (hybrid)

(Westin Ballroom)

ASCCC Liaisons: The Opportunities, Benefits, and Rewards

Karen Chow, ASCCC Area B Representative
Christopher Howerton, ASCCC At-Large Representative

Identifying your own local ASCCC liaisons allows another opportunity to bring more faculty into awareness of state-wide concerns/opportunities while promoting leadership. ASCCC liaisons serve as a direct line of communication with ASCCC on specific areas of interest and can provide additional support to local senate work. Learn more about the different ASCCC liaisons, benefits of identifying liaisons, and some ways you can effectively engage their contributions.

Saturday, June 17, 2023

8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.  Breakfast

(Westin Ballroom Foyer)

9:00 a.m. to 9:30 a.m.  General Session 13 (hybrid)

(Westin Ballroom)

Leadership Q&A

Cheryl Aschenbach, ASCCC President
ASCCC Executive Committee

Join us to learn more about ASCCC Executive members and their journeys to statewide service. We will also answer your lingering leadership questions in preparation for the coming academic year.

9:45 a.m. to 11:45 a.m.  General Session 14 (hybrid)

(Westin Ballroom)

Mock Resolutions Debate and Voting

Cheryl Aschenbach, ASCCC President

Grab this morning's Resolution Packet and join us for debate and voting on mock resolutions and amendments you developed and submitted, just like happens at Spring and Fall Plenary Sessions.