Academic Senate

Leadership Development

Whereas, The Community College Leadership Development Institute (CCLDI) states that its central function is to provide education and training for community college faculty, trustees and administrators in leadership roles, but has had minimal faculty participation, and no formal representation by the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges, was developed outside the required system consultation process, and has not been subject to the collegial consultation processes expected for faculty professional development programs;

Appreciation of Staff

Whereas, The Office Staff of the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges has demonstrated dedication, endless hard work, competence and brilliance in organizing, supporting, coordinating and implementing all components of the Fall Session 2001; and

Whereas, The Office Staff has vigorously and consistently sought to improve sessions throughout the years;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate express its thanks and gratitude to Executive Director Julie Adams for her selfless service; and

Voting Procedures

Whereas, Votes on resolutions in plenary sessions have on occasion resulted in calls for a recount; and

Whereas, Those recounts can differ from the original vote because delegates may enter or leave the floor during voting and recounting, allowing for the abuse of rounding up votes for a recount

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Colleges review its "Resolution Procedures," Section VI, with the aim of assuring the fairness of recounts.

Basic Skills Ad Hoc Committee

Whereas basic skills issues have been ongoing, and

Whereas basic skills is an integral part of the California Community Colleges mission, and

Whereas assessment data suggest that postsecondary education in California will confront an increasing number of basic skills issues as the need for basic skills education grows, and

Whereas the Basic Skills Ad Hoc Committee has been active since its establishment in 1997 by Resolution 9.03 F97,

Community College Leadership Development Initiative (CCLDI)

Whereas the Community College Leadership Development Initiative (CCLDI) is involved in creating leadership development opportunities for faculty, administration, and staff, and

Whereas the Initiative started with a solicitation of funds from various sources, including the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges, which contributed $3,000, and

Whereas CCLDI will be involved in educating future leaders of California community colleges, including leaders of the Academic Senate, and

Research Positions for Academic Senate

Whereas the Fall 1994 plenary session adopted resolution 1.3, stating:

Whereas the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges does not have the capability to provide research and data collection to substantiate positions on issues of substance,

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges direct the Executive Committee to develop a Budget Change Proposal that will provide two research positions, support staff and equipment to conduct vital research exclusively for the Academic Senate,"

Legislator of the Year Award

Whereas the success of the mission of the California Community Colleges is dependent upon the activities of the California State Legislature, and

Whereas there are legislators who have been instrumental in providing support for the accomplishment of that mission, and

Whereas these legislators have often persevered in the face of determined and organized opposition,

Resolved that the Academic Senate establish an award to recognize a "Legislator of the Year," and

Reconstitution of Leadership Initiative

Whereas the Community College Leadership Development Initiative (CCLDI) has been formed by select individuals (including the Chancellor and representatives of major administrative groups) and incorporated as a nonprofit organization operating outside of any of the system's regular consultation processes, without formal inclusion of the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges in the development of this major system leadership initiative, and CCLDI has contracted with a private proprietary institution, the Claremont Graduate School, for leadership training as well as doctoral level

Academic Senate By-laws

Whereas Executive Committee members serve as statewide representatives of the faculty, and

Whereas attendance at Executive Committee meetings is mandatory in order for Executive Committee members to execute appropriately their duties as representatives,

Resolved that the Academic Senate amend Article IX. Section 2.1 on Vacancies of the Executive Committee in the Academic Senate Rules to read: Failure to attend either two successive meetings or six days total of Executive Committee meetings per year shall be deemed a resignation.

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