Academic Senate

Bylaws Change

Whereas, Current Senate Rules do not provide directions to the body for who is eligible to vote when electing its officers;
Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges revise its Rules as follows:
Add subdivision B:
1) Elections of OfficersOfficers. Each Officer will be elected to the Executive Committee by balloting from all Delegates.
MSC Disposition: Local Senates

Emeritus for Barbara Davis-Lyman

Whereas, The Bylaws of the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges include procedures and criteria for conferring the status of senator emeritus on individuals, and Barbara Davis-Lyman has satisfied those requirements as a retired faculty member of the California Community College System who has completed far more than the required five (5) years of significant service to the Academic Senate;

Emeritus for Hoke Simpson

Whereas, The Bylaws of the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges include procedures and criteria for conferring the status of senator emeritus on individuals, and Hoke Simpson has satisfied those requirements as a retired faculty member of the California Community College System who has completed more than the required five (5) years of significant service to the Academic Senate:

Noncredit Standing Committee

Whereas, The Ad Hoc Noncredit Committee has been an effective and important committee of the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges for the last three years, making enormous progress in noncredit;

Whereas, Noncredit education is a vital part of the mission of California community colleges and plays an important role in bridging to credit higher education, employment, citizenship and many other aspects essential to California’s economic health, welfare, and citizenship;

Emeritus Status for Mark Snowhite

Whereas, The Bylaws of the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges include procedures and criteria for conferring the status of senator emeritus on individuals;

Whereas, Mark Snowhite not only drafted but has now satisfied those requirements as a retired faculty member of the California Community College System who has completed well more than the required five (5) years of significant service to the Academic Senate:

Emeritus Status for Kate Clark

Whereas, The Bylaws of the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges include procedures and criteria for conferring the status of senator emeritus on individuals;

Whereas, Kate Clark has satisfied those requirements as a retired faculty member of the California Community College System who has completed well more than the required five (5) years of significant service to the Academic Senate:

Adopt the Senate’s Value Statements

Whereas, The Academic Senate has a mission statement directing its actions, and the Executive Committee developed value statements to guide the Senate’s activities;

Whereas, These value statements have been in development for over a year in conjunction with the Senate’s “branding” efforts;

Whereas, Breakouts last year afforded attendees an opportunity to discuss the mission and values of the Senate, which informed the final value statements; and

Amend Academic Senate Election Rules

Whereas, New election rules and procedures were introduced and successfully tested at the Spring 2008 Plenary Session;

Whereas, In order to continue to use the new ballots or other efficient design, the "Election Rules and Procedures" must be amended to be less prescriptive; and

Whereas, Changes to the Academic Senate Bylaws must have the support of a majority of the members;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges change the Election Rules section I.G.2.a-c as stated below:
2) Each ballot shall proceed as follows:

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