Articulation and Transfer


Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges ask the Intersegmental Committee of the Academic Senates to address ways to improve articulation between community colleges and other segments of higher education for associate degree nurses who wish to pursue baccalaureate nursing degrees.

Articulation Committee

Whereas community colleges in California are enrolling a large number of students who are ill-prepared to undertake college-level work, and

Whereas entering students with inadequate academic preparation are contributing disproportionately to an unacceptably high rate of early dropout, and

Whereas community colleges have not developed adequate mechanisms to communicate essential information about expected competencies of entering students to high schools,

Partnerships with High Schools

Whereas the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges has long encouraged a greater role for community college faculty in articulation with the public schools, and

Whereas faculty on a local level can offer significant assistance to their peers in elementary and secondary education and through assistance can also help to improve the preparation of students entering the community colleges, and

Curriculum Consultants

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges commend the Intersegmental Committee of the Academic Senates, the UC Board of Admissions and Relations with Schools, the western Association of Schools and Colleges, and the State Department of Education for their joint effort in establishing and piloting the Curriculum Consultant Project, and

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges urge that adequate state funding be provided to continue this worthwhile effort.

Articulation Position Paper

Whereas the final report of the Commission for the Review of the Master Plan, The Master Plan Renewed, urges an "enhanced role" for community college faculty in establishing and maintaining relations with the public schools, and

Whereas thirty-seven college presidents, under the leadership of Donald Kennedy, President of Stanford University, in September urged all college presidents to make a "new commitment to working with schools on many issues of mutual interest," and

List of Programs

Whereas there are many programs outside our system that provide assistance to us and to our students, and

Whereas these programs, such as mentor programs, high school articulation, and bridging projects such as the Puente Project, are not known by or easily accessible to our faculty, and

Whereas the compiled information concerning these programs would be valuable to all connected with community colleges,

High School Brochure

Whereas the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges has adopted a recommendation that the high school brochure developed by the Academic Senate be distributed to high school and community college faculty, administrators, and students,

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges urge local senates to distribute the high school brochure to college faculty, administrators, and students, and

Articulation Position Paper

Whereas the Educational Policies Committee, directed by a resolution of the Academic Senate 1987 Fall Conference, has developed a document to help local senates participate in the movement to improve articulation between schools and colleges,

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges endorse the document produced by the Educational Policies Committee: Improving Articulation Between High Schools and Community Colleges: Activities and Incentives, and

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