Articulation and Transfer

Transfer to 4-Year Institutions

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges direct the Executive Committee to work with appropriate groups such as UC and CSU academic senates (ICAS), articulation officers, curriculum committees, and counseling faculty to develop ways, including aspects of course numbering, to help transferring of community college students to 4-year colleges and universities.
M/S/U Disposition: CCCCA. CSU Senate. Executive Committee. ICAS. ICC. UC Senate. Intersegmental Articulation Coordinating Council

Facilitate Progress from Community College to Community College

Whereas the California Student Association of Community Colleges (CalSACC) has identified as its "number one priority" seeking ways to solve the "articulation quagmire" of community college students transferring within the California Community College system (from one community college to another even in the same district) because there is no uniformity in course names and numbering of California Community College courses,

Transfer Committees

Whereas transfer is a major function of community colleges, and

Whereas AB 1725 gives senates a responsibility for student preparation and success in areas such as transfer function and student services,

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges encourage local senates to convene a committee of transfer function services to enable the senates to more effectively support transfer function services.
M/S/C Disposition: Executive Committee, Local Senates, CSSO, Transfer Center Dir

Transfer Center Advisory Committee

Whereas local senate presidents are often asked to sign off without sufficient background on reports relating to a plethora of transfer functions (for example, matriculation and transfer centers), and

Whereas collaboration and communication are essential among faculty working in areas like transfer, included as one of the eleven areas specified as appropriate for senate involvement under "student preparation and success," and

Whereas the Title 5 required Transfer Center Advisory Committee is not necessarily a senate committee,

Articulation and Transfer

Whereas Resolutions 4.4 F94 and 4.5 F94 directed the Executive Committee to prepare a background paper and recommendations regarding faculty participation, evaluation, and funding of the California Articulation Number (CAN) System,

Resolved that the Academic Senate adopt the paper "The California Articulation Number System (CAN): Toward Increased Faculty Participation" to assist local academic senates to better understand the CAN process.

Common Course Numbering

Whereas the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges has always supported student concerns such as reduced fees in order to promote student access and success, and

Whereas the Academic Senate is more than willing to work with students and others such as counselors and articulation officers in order to ensure successful student transfers, and

Content Standards in English and Math

Whereas the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges recognizes that content standards guide the curriculum, and

Whereas the Academic Senate supports a high school curriculum which enables a high school graduate to successfully begin college-level course work or meet the requirements in the job market without remediation;

Resolved that the Academic Senate support the intent of the California Education Round Table sponsored document "Content Standards in English and Mathematics for High School Graduates."

Competencies in Mathematics

Whereas the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges is concerned about the mathematical preparation of California's high school students, and

Whereas the 1996 ICAS (Intersegmental Committee of Academic Senates) document "Statement on Competencies in Mathematics Expected of Entering College Students" describes the skills, approaches, experiences, and subject matter that constitute an appropriate mathematical background for college bound students;

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