Budget and Finance

Chancellor's Staff

Resolved that the Academic Senate recommend to the Chancellor's Office in this time of budget crisis and reductions in staff that it allocate its staff to areas that need state oversight and compliance such as Affirmative Action and Student Equity instead of to areas where the Academic Senate has legal jurisdiction.

Faculty Workload

Whereas the community colleges have the lowest cost per student per contact hour, and

Whereas the community college faculty teach the greatest number of contact hours per week of any higher education segment,

Resolved that the Academic Senate oppose any legislation which attempts to increase the workload of the already overworked community college faculty.

United Political Action

Whereas outside forces are causing the members of the community colleges to develop strategies to deal with the budget crisis, and

Whereas brainstorming of ideas by individual segments may cause fragmentation and loss of morale, and

Whereas the legislature needs to hear a strong, uniform message from the community colleges,

Resolved that the Academic Senate urge that all segments of the California community colleges unite to show a strong unified force to the legislature on issues developed jointly and agreed upon by all segments.

Regulatory Relief

Whereas community colleges are facing an unprecedented budget cut ($300 million), and

Whereas all aspects of California community colleges are being examined for cuts, including state support of the system office, and

Whereas the Academic Senate has recognized the need for state regulatory oversight in such areas as Affirmative Action, Student Equity, matriculation, 50% law, 75:25 ratio and related areas,

Budget and Finance Awareness

Whereas the governor of California has proposed an increase in student fees to $30 per unit taken by each student who does not possess a bachelor's degree, and

Whereas the governor of California has proposed an increase in student fees to $104 per unit for students with bachelor's degrees, and

Whereas the increase in fees will have a negative effect on access to the community colleges, and

Whereas the governor has proposed a $300 million cut to California community colleges,

Lobby Day

Resolved that the Academic Senate support and encourage local senates' participation in the FACCC Lobby Day, May 17, in Sacramento as a means to promote our position to legislators.

Increased Tuition/Changed Mission

Whereas the proposed increase in tuition to $30 a credit has its greatest impact on the student, on education, and on the classroom, and

Whereas there are other areas that should be looked at for cuts, and

Whereas decentralization at both the state and local level can result in cost savings, and

Whereas the "marginally motivated" student in the Legislative Analyst Office report refers to the very student that community colleges have traditionally helped to achieve further education in order to contribute to the state through employment, and

Tax Credits to Businesses

Whereas community colleges are facing a $300 million budget cut, and

Whereas the proposals from the Governor, such as raising tuition to $30 a unit, will hurt students and their education most, and

Whereas it may be possible to find alternative funding for community colleges,

Resolved that the Academic Senate investigate the possibility of the legislature offering tax credits to businesses that give financial support to community colleges.

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