
Addressing the Needs of Students Impacted by the Changes to Course Repetition

Whereas, The 2012 changes to Title 5 Regulations regarding course repetition limited the ability of some colleges to address the needs of their lifelong learning student populations as well as other students in various disciplines and situations;

Whereas, Lifelong learning courses for the purposes of adult education and community service remain an aspect of the mission of the California community colleges per Education Code § 66010.4[1];

Adopt the Revised Paper The Course Outline of Record: A Curriculum Reference Guide

Whereas, Resolution 9.06 S14 directed the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges to “update The Course Outline of Record: A Curriculum Reference Guide to more accurately reflect the current curriculum processes, guidelines, and requirements and present it for adoption at the Spring 2016 Plenary Session.”;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges adopt the paper The Course Outline of Record:  A Curriculum Reference Guide and disseminate the paper to local senates and curriculum committees upon its adoption.


Update to the Existing SLO Terminology Glossary and Creation of a Paper on Student Learning Outcomes

Whereas, The Academic Senate for California Community Colleges (ASCCC) approved resolution 9.06 S16, which states that the ASCCC should “urge local senates to ensure that institutional decisions regarding student learning outcomes assessment are understood to be a curricular matter and therefore institutions should consult collegially with local senates;”

Investigate Effective Practices for Pathways Programs

Whereas, Faculty believe that a foundational outcome of the community college experience should be the development of our students as whole persons;

Whereas, Faculty affirm open-access, opportunity for student exploration, and the traditional breadth of a liberal education as historically critical pieces of the community college mission;

Whereas, Faculty remain open to new strategies that may enhance the ability of our students to achieve their goals, including those who struggle most; and

Faculty Involvement in the Creation of Dual Enrollment Programs

Whereas, AB 288 (Holden, 2015  ostponed indefinitely it.  deci will require reviews by engineering and manufacturing to review the design.  m the audit.  deci) created new regulations for the creation and implementation of dual enrollment programs designed to reach students previously excluded from dual enrollment agreements, including students who struggle academically or who are at risk of dropping out;

Whereas, Dual enrollment programs have the potential to provide underperforming students a pathway to engage in college-level work prior to graduation from high school;

Single Process for Local Curriculum Approval

Whereas, Curriculum is an area under the purview of local academic senates, as codified in AB 1725 (Vasconcellos, 1988);

Whereas, Per Title 5 §55002, the development of curriculum, including courses and programs, should be directed primarily by faculty and, prior to being approved by the Board of Trustees and certified by the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office, must be approved by local curriculum committees under the purview of the academic senate or comprised primarily of faculty;

Prioritize Data Integrity

Whereas, The state and federal education and labor agencies use several data collection systems (i.e., Taxonomy of Programs, TOP; the Classification of Instructional Programs, CIP; and the Standard Occupational Classification, SOC) to collect data about the populations they serve and to determine the allocation of resources for those services provided along with the fulfillment of any accountability requirements;

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