Diversity and Equity

Hispanic Women's Leadership Conference

Whereas the number of Hispanic women in leadership roles (faculty, staff, and administration) in California Community Colleges fails to represent the percentage of the same in the population at large,

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges encourage each college's local academic senate to consider sending at least one Hispanic woman and one senate leader to the March 18, 1988, Hispanic Women's Leadership Conference at Southwestern College.

New Majority Student

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges be commended for beginning to address the needs of "New Majority Students," and

Resolved that the importance of this issue be reflected by allocating time and emphasis at future conferences, through appropriate breakout and keynote sessions, and

Resolved that when the Academic Senate's New Majority Student Report is completed, it be referred to an appropriate committee for the development of action policies and strategies.

CEO Affirmative Action Recommendations

Whereas the Academic Senate has a deep and longstanding commitment to a strong program of affirmative action in the California Community Colleges, and

Whereas the Chief Executive Officers Organization of the California Community Colleges, in cooperation with representatives of the Academic Senate, has recently published a "Policy Statement on Affirmative Action" containing nine specific recommendations for improving the effectiveness of affirmative action efforts, and

New Majority Survey Questionnaire

Whereas a study entitled "A Greater Role for Faculty in Support of the New Majority Student" consisted of a "Student Needs Survey" and a "Faculty Development Programs Survey," and

Whereas the "Student Needs Survey" produced a 67 per cent response and the "Faculty Development Programs Survey" a 31 per cent response, and

Whereas a larger sampling would provide more conclusive findings,

Resolved that the Executive Committee send the New Majority survey questionnaire to those colleges that did not respond in order to complete arid update the original results.


Whereas the theme and focus of the fall session of the Academic Senate is new majority students, new majority faculty, and

Whereas the Academic Senate recognizes the need for instructional strategies to insure the success of culturally diverse students,

Affirmative Action - Job Descriptions

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges reaffirm the intention of AB 1725 which speaks to strengthening the role of the local senates in shared governance by urging that local senates be actively involved in developing the job description for Affirmative Action functions, and

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges recommend to local senates that the responsibility for monitoring compliance with affirmative action goals should be reaffirmed by the local administration and governing board.

Ethnic Organizations

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges recommend that the Executive Committee meet with the leadership of various ethnic organizations, women's organizations, and other underrepresented groups (such leaders to be identified by the Affirmative Action Committee) to explore mutual concerns and issues, and

AB 1725 Affirmative Action Plans

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges recommend to local senates that faculty be included in the review of district affirmative action plans, and

Resolved that if underrepresented faculty are not available to participate in the AB 1725 review of district affirmative action plans as mandated by section 87102, the Academic Senate recommend that a specific plan assuring membership of underrepresented groups be developed and approved by the local senate.

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