Faculty Development

Flex Days Coordinator

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges recommend to local faculty senates that a faculty member serving as Flexible Calendar/Flex Days Coordinator be provided appropriate reassigned time to perform duties associated with the task, and

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges recommend that appropriate clerical support be furnished for the Flex Day Faculty Coordinator.

Instructional Skills Program

Whereas community colleges in California are facing a new and unprecedented series of challenges stemming from an influx of new students and rapidly changing social, political, economic and technical conditions, and

Whereas the faculty in the California Community Colleges face the following challenges: burnout, isolation, aging, transitions, and changing demographics, and

Flex Calendar

Whereas the Flex Calendar allows colleges to use up to 15 days of our 175 day instructional year for faculty development, and

Whereas the Flex Calendar does not require an institution to go to an "early start" academic year, and

Whereas well over half our community colleges are already on the Flex Calendar,

Fund for Instructional Improvement

Whereas the Fund for Instructional Improvement has provided funds for instructional innovation for over a decade, and

Whereas in recent years the initial $1 million per year allocation has been cut substantially, and

Whereas the Chancellor's Office recently wrote a budget change proposal to increase the FII funding to over $6 million, and

Whereas the recent AS/CIO ACR-39 study evaluated the FII program highly and recommended that its funding be substantially increased,

Staff Development Funding

Whereas AB1725 has added $5 million in staff development funding to our community colleges, and

Whereas the AS/CIO ACR-39 study recommended that staff development funding be raised to 2% of general fund budgets plus another 1/2% on a local 1:1 matching basis, and

Whereas the Chancellor's Office is currently conducting several studies concerning the eventual role of the Chancellor's Office in statewide staff development, and

Staff Development Funding

Whereas the Berman-Weiler Staff Development Study found that community colleges spent less than 1% of their general fund budget for staff development, and

Whereas Berman-Weiler and the follow-up CPEC study recommend that staff development funding be increased to 2%, and

Whereas AB1725 also recommended that staff development funding be raised to 2%, and

Whereas the Academic Senate/Chief Instructional Officers ACR-39 Report recommended that staff development funding increase to 2%,

List of Speakers

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges instruct its Faculty Development Committee to work with CACC and the California Community College Council for Staff Development to establish a list of speakers and facilitators who can assist local staff development committees, and

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges include, on the list of staff development speakers and facilitators, persons with expertise in affirmative action/new majority areas.

Institute for Instructional Improvement and Innovation

Whereas the Institute for Instructional Improvement and Innovation has demonstrated its effectiveness and support in providing faculty development services, and

Whereas the Flex Calendar Evaluation Project has identified several goals that must be accomplished to strengthen the flex program, and

Whereas the shortcomings of the UCLA/Moorpark Draft Report have demonstrated the need for a follow-up which is conducted by a community college entity like 4I's, which is more familiar with our professional development needs, and

Internship for More Community College Teachers

Whereas the community colleges must broaden their pool of teachers from underrepresented groups, and

Whereas a community college internship program for high school teachers and graduate students could help increase the pool of qualified community college teachers,

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges recommend that the Board of Governors adopt regulations and procedures for, and urge financial support of, a program to encourage internship programs for high school teachers and graduate students who seek to become community college teachers.

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