General Concerns


Whereas the Board of Governors has passed the first stystemwide AIDS policy in the nation, and

Whereas when AIDS education programs have been established there has been a significant decrease in the rate of new infection, and

Whereas AIDS direct service programs have contributed to the compassionate treatment of those affected in the workplace and classroom, and

Whereas there is no known cure, vaccine, or treatment to prevent AIDS transmission, except education,

South Africa

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges reaffirm its previous opposition to the use of community college foundation funds for support of the South African government, and

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges urge the Board of Governors to develop a policy prohibiting the use of community college funds for support of or participation in any activities that support the South African government.

Faculty Mobility

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges urge that the Chancellor's Office study the effect of salary schedule placement on the mobility of faculty in California Community Colleges.

Administrators and Overload

Whereas the intent of AB 1725 (section 87482.6) is to enhance the quality of education within the California community colleges, and

Whereas Program Improvement Funds were designed to achieve a full-time/part-time faculty ratio of 75:25,

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges study the impact and ramifications of administrators teaching hourly on the 75:25 ratio.


Whereas great attention is being given by Community Colleges to the formation of foundations under the Business and Professional Code/501-3 Cs instead of the Educational Code, and

Whereas this formation has removed public scrutiny of the use of public funds, and

Whereas this situation has created alleged abuse in some community colleges, and

Whereas these private foundations may work to the detriment of faculty and limit the authority of local senates,

Health Fees

Whereas many community colleges are committed to providing student health services, and

Whereas community colleges were required by law to provide student health services for several years without having the ability to collect student fees for these services, and

Whereas many colleges provided those health services, as required by law (even though a health fee could not be charged) by redistribution of operational funds within college budgets, and


Whereas the private foundations incorporated under the business and professions code are not under the provisions of the Brown Act, and

Whereas many of these foundations offer classes over which local academic senates have no influence, and

Whereas these private foundations may conflict with the basic premise of State supported education, and

Whereas the basic equity issues of the Serrano decision which applied to K-12 also hold true in spirit for adult students in the community colleges,

Enrollment Growth

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges direct the Executive Committee to investigate innovative ways to meet the needs of a rapidly increasing student population and prepare recommendations for the Board of Governors.

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