Local Senates

Faculty Evaluation of Administrators

Whereas, The Academic Senate for California Community Colleges has adopted a paper on faculty involvement in the evaluation of administrators;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate hold a breakout in Fall 2002 revisiting the issue of faculty involvement in the evaluation of administrators;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate conduct a survey in the Fall 2002 session on community colleges that have a process for evaluating administrators; and

Resolved, That the Academic Senate provide examples of such processes and share them through a publication.

Integration of Grants With College Planning and Budget Processes

Whereas, Unprecedented budget challenges are prompting California community colleges to seek alternative funding sources, such as grants, with increasing urgency;

Whereas, Grants are increasingly a de facto part of college planning and budget processes and are used to maintain and/or expand new and existing programs; and

Whereas, Failure to integrate grants development into college planning and budget development processes circumvents, and thus disrupts, those college processes;

Faculty Involvement in Grant-funded Efforts Related to Academic and Professional Matters

Whereas, Unprecedented budget challenges are prompting California community colleges to seek alternative funding sources, such as grants, with increasing urgency;

Whereas, Grants often include provisions for the creation and/or implementation of new policies, processes, and technologies that are within the purview of the local senate;

Whereas, Districts and colleges have well-established processes for ensuring that decision-making is a participatory process and that faculty have primacy in making recommendations related to academic and professional matters; and

Approval of Grant Driven Projects

Whereas, Unprecedented budget challenges are prompting California community colleges to seek alternative funding sources such as grants with increasing urgency;

Whereas, Grants often include provisions for the creation and implementation of new educational programs and curricula that do not require the students to earn college credit;

Responding to ARCC Reports

Whereas, California community colleges are being asked to use the Accountability Reporting for Community Colleges (ARCC) report to identify areas of institutional strength and weakness and to seek methods of improving areas of institutional weakness; and

Whereas, The data fields reported in the ARCC report are of varying data quality and significance in identifying the most pressing areas for institutional scrutiny and improvement;

Faculty Involvement in Noncredit Issues

Whereas, California Education Code 87357-87359 and Title 5 53200, 53430, and 55002 require that local Governing Boards rely primarily on or reach mutual agreement with their academic senates with regard to (1) curriculum development for both courses and programs, (2) the assignment of courses to disciplines, and (3) the process for establishing equivalency; and

Whereas, The requirement for academic senate consultation is the same for both credit and noncredit curriculum matters and faculty equivalency;

Adopt "Enrollment Management Revisited"

Whereas, In 1999 the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges published a paper called The Role of Academic Senates in Enrollment Management, but changes in both college operations and the faculty role in making decisions that affect course offerings have occurred since that paper was published;

Whereas, Resolution 17.01 F07 called for the Academic Senate to update its paper to address recent variables that now affect enrollment challenges; and

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