Local Senates

Logistical Support

Whereas the role of local senates has been increasing in importance and significance, as recommended by the Master Plan Commission, by the Board of Governors' Basic Agenda, and by other recent documents, and

Whereas in meeting these obligations to promote effective communications and effective handling of information,

Whereas a variety of technological instruments is available to promote communication, networking, and effective handling of information,

Senate Leadership Conference

Whereas local senate presidents have increasing responsibilities, and

Whereas local senate presidents could be even more effective if provided leadership training,

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges hold, at a designated time each year, as funding permits, a leadership conference specifically designed to equip new senate presidents with the skills and information that will enhance their leadership role.

Shared Governance

Whereas faculty believe it is important to encourage shared governance practice throughout the California Community College system, and

Whereas faculty wish to promote establishing a connection between shared governance theory and practice, and

Whereas faculty view it as important to encourage local trustees, administration, faculty, staff and students to develop and implement models of shared governance,

Travel Funds

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges recommend to local senates that each college be encouraged to provide, at a minimum, travel funds to the local academic senates to enable a minimum of two senate representatives to attend all area and state sessions during the academic year.

Small College Needs

Whereas statewide models proposed by the Academic Senate generally address the needs of larger colleges, and

Whereas the Academic Senate resolutions and governance models should give consideration to the different needs and capabilities of small colleges, which have limited staff and resources compared to large colleges,

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges include in future statewide models of senate operations and procedures examples pertinent to small as well as large colleges.

Local Senates' Communication

Whereas local senates need a means to communicate directly with each other utilizing modern technology, and

Whereas local senates also need a means to communicate directly with the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges, and

Whereas the Info-Net computer bulletin board located at Modesto Junior College can facilitate local-to-local senate and local-to-state Senate communication by providing Senate alerts, current information on legislation, announcements, and opportunities for individual senates to exchange information,

Reassigned Time For Local Senates

Whereas local senates anticipate greatly increased responsibilities and duties so that they can adequately serve their institutions, especially under the provisions of AB 1725, and

Whereas the duties and responsibilities of local senates are already overwhelming, and

Whereas program improvement funds are designated in AB 1725 for faculty reassigned time to work on new duties and responsibilities required by AB 1725,

Support for Local Senates

Whereas the role of local senates has increased in importance and significance, as recommended by the Master Plan Commission, by the Board of Governors' Basic Agenda, and by AB 1725, and

Whereas additional resources are needed in meeting these obligations to promote effective communications and effective handling of information, and

Whereas a variety of technological instruments is available to promote communication, networking, and effective handling of information,

Faculty Role in Governance

Whereas AB 1725 has emphasized the role of faculty in the governance of community colleges and the need for faculty to be prepared to assume their governance responsibilities,

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges urge the Intersegmental Coordinating Council's Teaching Improvement Cluster Committee to consider various approaches better to prepare potential community college instructors for their role in institutional governance.

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