
Amendment to Establishing Prerequisites

Whereas the Chancellor's Office interprets current regulations to permit content validation as well as statistical validation for mandatory prerequisites (as verified in the memo from Vice Chancellors Rita Cepeda and Thelma Scott Skillman of 8/21/92 to Matriculation Coordinators and Academic Senate Presidents) (Document Available in the Senate Office), and

Whereas content review respects the expertise, experience, and professional judgement of faculty in any field, and

Test Alignment

Whereas, The California Department of Education is concerned about possible "test fatigue" among its students;

Whereas, The California Department of Education has convened an intersegmental task force to consider the use of its high school exit exam for high school exit competence, community college placement, and California State University and University of California admission;

Whereas, The majority of entering community college students are many years past high school graduation; and

Matriculation Decategorization

Whereas matriculation has been of great service to the students of the California community colleges, and

Whereas the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges has been supportive of matriculation from its inception as an Academic Senate concept, and

Whereas the matriculation provisions of AB 3 (Campbell, 1986) become inoperative unless funds are specifically appropriated for the purposes of this article (Ed Code 78210-78218) are provided, and

Noncredit Student Services

Resolved that the Academic Senate reaffirm Resolution 6.01 (F93) which states the importance of the noncredit programs within the California Community Colleges, and

Resolved that the Academic Senate direct the Executive Committee to prepare a paper on student services available to noncredit students within the community colleges, and

Resolved that the Academic Senate direct the Executive Committee to include in the paper, a report on the progress made addressing the matriculation issues asked for by the adoption of Resolution 10.01 (F91).

Data Collection of Noncredit Students

Whereas data on noncredit students and on student services for noncredit students are not being collected statewide, and

Whereas noncredit programs are serving a growing population in our state, and

Whereas noncredit students in many districts have historically been excluded from student service programs which improve successful matriculation to further educational pursuits,

Resolved that the Academic Senate request the Chancellor's Office to include noncredit students and faculty in all data which is collected regarding student services, and

AB 3763: Matriculation Criteria

Whereas AB 3763 would delete the requirement that the Board of Governors establish criteria for exempting students from participation in matriculation, and would prohibit the Board of Governors from exempting students from participation, and

Whereas increased matriculation requirements would require funding to achieve,

Resolved that the Academic Senate support the concepts in AB 3763 only if funding to achieve the mandate is included above the existing general fund.

Faculty Involvement in Registration

Whereas curriculum is one of the ten academic and professional matters upon which faculty have the right to consult collegially with districts, and

Whereas faculty have the primary responsibility to establish pre- and co-requisites which are enforced through registration processes at each local college, and

Whereas the establishment of a registration priority system involves criteria which are clearly academic in nature,

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