Professional Standards

Origins and History of the 75% Goal

Whereas, The Academic Senate for California Community Colleges has long supported the provision of a core of full-time faculty as vital to the educational success of our programs and students;

Whereas, Despite Title 5 Regulations specifying a full-time faculty obligation number, the goal of 75% full-time credit instruction is far from being realized; and

Whereas, Some question the origins and validity of the long-standing 75% goal of both the Legislature and the Board of Governors;

Approval of Equivalency to the Minimum Qualifications

Whereas, The granting of equivalencies is directly related to the hiring of faculty and the breadth and depth of academic preparation;

Whereas, The granting of equivalencies and faculty hiring are so important that local boards and local senates must reach joint agreement on policies, procedures, and the hiring of individual faculty; and

Whereas, A current document is needed that sets out the principal issues and provides guidance to local senates for handling equivalencies;

Noncredit Quality Standards

Whereas, Full-time faculty are vital to the health and development of programs both credit and noncredit, providing the dedication and expertise needed for ongoing curriculum development, outreach, support for students, and collaboration with other departments and college areas and in college governance;

More Early Childhood Education Programs

Whereas, AB 1246 (April 7, 2006) is legislation that mandates the Child Development Division of the State Department of Education to develop new preschool learning standards; and

Whereas, The California Community colleges have been the primary source of pre-service education for early childhood professionals, and the Early Childhood Education/Child Development faculty have expertise in this area;

Early Childhood Education Programs

Whereas, Proposition 82 is on the June ballot, and if it passes, would trigger implementation of AB 2802 (February 24, 2006), a bill that requires the creation of an early learning credential; and

Whereas, The California community colleges have been the primary source of pre-service education for early childhood professionals, and the Early Childhood Education/Child Development faculty have expertise in this area;

The 60% Law and Governance

Whereas, Title 5 53200 states that the Academic Senate has the primary function on academic and professional matters;

Whereas, Full-time faculty have the responsibility and accountability for the ten-plus-one items of curriculum development and update, program development, student success and preparation, accreditation and accountability measures, program review and more;

Whereas, Full-time faculty have the primary professional responsibility for fulfilling Title 5 53200 and ensuring governance and "participate effectively" are met; and

Encourage Participation of Part-time Faculty in Local Governance

Whereas, Part-time faculty comprise a significant part of the faculty on every community college campus;

Whereas, Support for the participation of part-time faculty in local governance and committee work varies widely and is generally insufficient; and

Whereas, Recognition and involvement of part-time faculty in local governance and committees on local campuses is necessary for a cohesive and strong faculty and senate;

Support for Sabbatical Leave

Whereas, Trustees and administrators at some of California's community colleges have unilaterally suspended or eliminated sabbatical leave processes;

Whereas, Faculty recognize their ethical and professional responsibility to currency and improvement of their discipline;

Whereas, The suspension or elimination of sabbatical rights is part of an ongoing trend of shifting resources from academic to non-academic interests; and

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