
Create Document on Trends in Higher Education

Whereas the Academic Senate voted unanimously at the Fall 1994 Session for a facilitated faculty conference to develop a vision of future community colleges, and

Whereas this conference has been scheduled for September 8 and 9, 1995, to be jointly sponsored by the Academic Senate and the FACCC, and

Whereas the conference program calls for participants to read selected documents in preparation for the conference,

Course Placement

Whereas the document, Placement of Courses Within Disciplines, calls for the establishment of a philosophy to maintain the academic integrity of each discipline by assisting senates in the placement of courses into disciplines, and

Eminence/Limited Services Issues

Whereas actual college practices involved in establishing equivalency vary, and

Whereas some colleges refer to "eminence" as a feature of their equivalency processes, and

Whereas some colleges have reported the practice of establishing equivalency contingent on entry to specific courses rather than the discipline as a whole, and

Program Discontinuance Policies

Whereas economic pressures are causing widespread consideration of program elimination, and

Whereas data identifying programs eliminated and the reasons for elimination can be useful for development of strategies to address program elimination,

Resolved that the Academic Senate direct the Executive Committee to collect data identifying programs eliminated by individual community colleges and the reason (s) for elimination, and

Resolved that the Academic Senate direct the Executive Committee to research program discontinuance policies and procedures, and

Curriculum Committee

Resolved that the Academic Senate direct the Executive Committee to prepare guidelines for local senates regarding model practices for curriculum committees which include, but are not limited to: standards for committee composition, role of department/division chairs, role of administrators, role of librarians, involvement in program review, and resource allocation, and to present such guidelines at a future session.

Faculty Ethics: Position Paper

Resolved that the Academic Senate receive the paper Faculty Ethics: Expanding the American Association University Professors (AAUP) Ethics Statement as amended, as a guideline regarding community college faculty ethical responsibilities, and

Resolved that the Academic Senate recommend to local senates that they, using their consultation processes, adopt an ethics statement, or revise their existing statement, taking as a point of departure, the recommendations in this expansion of the AAUP Ethics Statement, and

Textbook Prices as Barriers

Whereas the costs of earning an education in the California Community Colleges are on the rise, and

Whereas the rising costs of textbooks and materials increase barriers to those students least able to afford and most in need of the benefits of a community college education,

Resolved that the Academic Senate urge local senates to recommend to faculty that they consider the cost of books as one of the criteria in book selection.

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