Teaching Load

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges recommend to the 1988 Fall Conference Planning Committee that there be a session (with collective bargaining agents, including independent agents) dealing with academic and professional concerns relating to teaching overload.

Academic Calendars

Whereas the requirement that the California Community Colleges have an academic calendar of 175 teaching days is a vestige of the K-12 system, and

Whereas the 175-day schedule is inconsistent with those of other segments of postsecondary education, and

Whereas the teaching time for courses in community colleges should be defined in terms of instructional hours rather than teaching days,

Resolved that the Academic Senate study regulations governing teaching days and instructional hours in California Community Colleges, and

Faculty Involvement in Hiring

Whereas the importance of active participation in hiring decisions is emphasized by the Commission for the Review of the Master Plan for Higher Education and in the September 17, 1987, draft of AB 1725, and

Whereas there is often a lack of effective faculty involvement in hiring, and

Whereas identification of which positions are to be filled is an integral part of the hiring process, and

Whereas a thoughtful planning process to determine which positions are to be filled requires knowledge of the budget,

Senate Leadership Conference

Whereas local senate presidents have increasing responsibilities, and

Whereas local senate presidents could be even more effective if provided leadership training,

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges hold, at a designated time each year, as funding permits, a leadership conference specifically designed to equip new senate presidents with the skills and information that will enhance their leadership role.

Resource Material

Whereas libraries are an integral component of a college curriculum and instructional program, and

Whereas faculty, including library faculty, are concerned with curriculum approval procedures, and

Whereas adequacy and recency of library materials affect the quality of college programs and are measurements used by external accrediting commissions and professional bodies, and

Library Advisory Committee

Whereas libraries are an integral component of a college curriculum arid instructional program, and

Whereas both the University of California and California State University Academic Senates have library committees advising their state academic senates,

Resolved that the Academic Senate Executive Committee study the creation of a library committee that reports to the Academic Senate.

Library Budget

Whereas the funding bill for California Community Colleges for the 1987-88 academic year designated specific funds to be used for library acquisitions, and

Whereas these funds were mandated by the State of California because of increased awareness that library resources throughout the state have been consistently underfunded during the last decade, and

Whereas last year's funding bill for instructional equipment funds began to address the compelling need for more adequate library acquisitions by mandating specific categorical expenditures on library resources, and

Library Acquisitions

Whereas the 1987-88 California Community College funding bill for instructional equipment provided specific categorical funds, and

Whereas the 1988-89 funding bill does not contain such a provision,

Resolved that the Academic Senate Research Committee make a comparison of district expenditures on library acquisitions in 1987-88 arid 1988-89 academic years and report at the 1988 Spring Conference.

Library Resources and New Course Approval

Whereas library resources are a vital support for the community college curriculum, and

Whereas new courses and programs are sometimes adopted without consideration of adequate library resource funding to support the courses,

Resolved that the Academic Senate recommend to local senates that the curriculum review process include library resource evaluation as a component of new course approval.

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