State Advisory Committee on Curriculum

Whereas the Chancellor's Office is authorized to approve new programs, substantial changes in programs, and stand-alone courses, and

Whereas the Board of Governors and Chancellor's Office have approved the delegation of its approval authority to the colleges for stand-alone courses and substantial changes in programs, and

Whereas AB 1725 grants faculty the primary responsibility for curriculum,

Categorical Funding

Whereas many community college faculty are only now gaining a major voice in matriculation and related processes, and

Whereas many of the requirements that created the funding have not been fulfilled due to administrative intervention,

Resolved that the Academic Senate urge the legislature to continue categorical funding for matriculation, at least until the 1995-96 school year.

Economic Relief

Whereas the fiscal crisis in California has imposed severe pressure on community college education delivery efforts across the state, and

Whereas military base closures and corporate relocations have added to these pressures and are threatening the very existence of educational opportunities for all Californians,

Local Funding Source Development

Whereas the state fiscal situation creates local challenges in serving our increasing student population, and

Whereas the local foundations may provide valuable information about available resources, and

Whereas the community and the colleges need to unite in their effort to maintain a quality level of educational delivery,

Resolved that the Academic Senate urge local senate presidents and local governing boards to develop a list of available local funding sources for the development and implementation of student equity.

Chancellor's Staff

Resolved that the Academic Senate recommend to the Chancellor's Office in this time of budget crisis and reductions in staff that it allocate its staff to areas that need state oversight and compliance such as Affirmative Action and Student Equity instead of to areas where the Academic Senate has legal jurisdiction.

Faculty Workload

Whereas the community colleges have the lowest cost per student per contact hour, and

Whereas the community college faculty teach the greatest number of contact hours per week of any higher education segment,

Resolved that the Academic Senate oppose any legislation which attempts to increase the workload of the already overworked community college faculty.

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