Curriculum Leadership Institute

Whereas the responsibilities of the college leaders in the area of curriculum, both faculty and administrators, are considerable in their depth and complexity, and

Whereas the standards and requirements for development, review, and approval of curriculum are both broad and detailed, and

Whereas it is particularly important to develop faculty curriculum leadership with full knowledge and understanding of the curriculum process and related standards, requirements, and good practices,

Prerequisite Enforcement

Whereas prerequisites have been established to contribute to the achievement of student success, and

Whereas California community college districts have created policies and procedures for the establishment and enforcement of prerequisites, and

Whereas, despite the effort of faculty to complete the validation process, prerequisite enforcement has not been consistent statewide,

Comprehensive Curriculum Technical Assistance Service

Whereas the standards and requirements for community college curriculum are many and diverse, and

Whereas it is important to review curriculum not only at the course and program level but at the college level, and

Whereas colleges often need assistance in reviewing curriculum either in preparation for accreditation or as a result of an accreditation recommendation, and

Whereas the nature of a full college curriculum review is such that great benefits can accrue from the use of facilitators from outside the college,

Inclusion of all Counseling Faculty in General Counseling Activities

Whereas counseling programs, as related to the mission of the community colleges, are critical to assure that students achieve their educational and career goals, and

Whereas counseling faculty, regardless of their assignment (EOPS, DSP&S, CalWORKs), must meet the minimum qualifications for employment in California community colleges, as stipulated in Title 5 Regulations, and

Whereas all counseling faculty must have access to training and development in the counseling discipline,

CSU Advisory Council

Whereas the 1998-99 academic year is being called "The Year of the Transfer," and

Whereas the California Community Colleges and the University of California have entered into an Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to increase the number of students who transfer from California Community Colleges to the University of California by 33% and the Chancellor's Office has indicated that future MOUs with California State University and private colleges will be forthcoming, and

Grant Reading

Whereas faculty integrity in reading grants is assumed by such organizations as the National Science Foundation, which mails packets of proposals to faculty readers, and

Whereas this procedure, if adopted by the Chancellor's Office, would save money, and

Whereas the current procedure for reading grants does not provide enough time to consider each grant thoughtfully,

Instructional Materials

Whereas instructional materials block grant funding originated as a specific budgetary enhancement for library materials, and

Whereas basic funding is below Proposition 98 guidelines and categorical block grant funds are increasingly being used as a substitute for basic allocations, and

Whereas the Legislature, over the past three to four years, is adding more disparate categories within the block grant process, obscuring the original intent for the block grant fund, and

Evaluation of the Chancellor

Whereas the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges has historically had little input into the evaluation and/or selection of the Chancellor,

Resolved that the Academic Senate urge the Board of Governors to adopt an evaluation instrument approved by the Statewide Academic Senate to evaluate the Chancellor.

Grant Reading Reform

Whereas the reading of a variety of grant proposals, referred to as Requests for Application (RFAs), involve volunteer faculty readers, and

Whereas readings have often been carried out under conditions stressful to faculty volunteers, such as unrealistic work loads, unclear application of criteria, hasty reader training, and uncomfortable work places, and

Whereas the above problems may adversely affect decisions about grant awards, and

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