Adopt Updated Course Basic (CB) 21 Rubrics for Coding English as a Second Language (ESL) Course Outcomes

Whereas, Accountability efforts, such as those related to AB 705 (Irwin, 2017), AB 1805 (Irwin, 2018), and others, rely on drawing information about students and colleges from coded elements that were not constructed to accurately calculate and align with these current, high-stakes needs;

Inclusion of Course Identification Numbers (C-ID) in College Catalogs and Student Transcripts

Whereas, The Academic Senate for California Community Colleges (ASCCC) has urged local academic senates and curriculum committees to include information about courses that have received C-ID designations in their college catalogs, either as a single list, at the end of each course’s description, or both (Resolution 13.01 F15);

Local Determination of International Baccalaureate Credit at California Community Colleges

Whereas, AB 1985 (Williams, 2016) required that the Office of the Chancellor of the California Community Colleges develop a uniform policy to award course credit to any student who passes an Advanced Placement (AP) examination, and that policy mandated that all community colleges grant course credit for any student who earns a score of three or higher on an AP exam;

Continued Advocacy for Substantive Participatory Governance with the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office

Whereas, The principle of participatory governance in the California Community Colleges has long been established in practice and codified in law (California Education Code §70901 et seq.), which provides the framework whereby California’s community colleges actively practice and teach democracy;

Academic Senate Involvement in Online Teaching Conference Planning

Whereas, The Online Teaching Conference is organized and coordinated by California Community Colleges TechConnect;

Whereas, Program development for the Online Teaching Conference, “a non-profit event funded under a California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office grant,” [1] should involve California community college faculty and staff who are engaged in teaching online;

Expansion of Baccalaureate Degree Programs in Allied Health

Whereas, SB 850 (Block, 2014) established a pilot program to create baccalaureate degrees in 15 districts within the California Community Colleges system, based in part on concerns regarding the potential gap in the number of students needing baccalaureate degrees by 2030 and beyond;

Whereas, The 15 pilot programs have succeeded in graduating more than 200 students in the first two years of the pilot, with hundreds more currently in courses leading to a baccalaureate degree, particularly in those programs related to allied health;

Reversal of Position Regarding Baccalaureate Degrees and Removal of Pilot Designation

Whereas, In 2010 legislation was introduced calling for the creation of baccalaureate degrees in the California Community College System, and the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges (ASCCC) voted to oppose such an action for multiple reasons, including opposition to “any expansion of the California community college mission as proposed in AB 2400 (Anderson, March 2010)” [1];

Extend the Hold-Harmless Provision of the Funding Formula

Whereas, The Student Centered Funding Formula (SCFF) apportions funding based on enrollment, supplemental, and student success metrics as well as a hold-harmless provision, and the SCFF Oversight Committee expects to complete its recommendations by June 30, 2021 [1] which may change the formula for subsequent fiscal years, after which districts will need time to adjust their budgets, programs, and staffing accordingly;

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