10.02 Academic Senate Positions

At all times, Executive Committee members represent, support, and follow the positions of the ASCCC in their service. Executive Committee members are expected to represent ASCCC positions in various arenas as assigned, including the legislature, the Chancellor's Office, and other state agencies. "Positions" in the broadest sense include adopted resolutions, history, by-laws, rules, and current activities. Executive Committee members have an obligation to carry out the instructions of the plenary session delegates as presented in the form of approved resolutions. Particularly when acting in an official capacity, Executive Committee members must represent adopted positions of the ASCCC to the best of their ability. When not acting in an official ASCCC capacity, members may express their own opinions that diverge from approved positions as long as they distinctly separate their views from those of the ASCCC.

Positions adopted by the Executive Committee or its standing or ad hoc committees are not considered official positions of the ASCCC and so are open to discussion and the discretion of Executive Committee members. Executive Committee members are obligated to present the positions of ASCCC committees as well as their own when discussing an issue with the public or other groups.

Approved by ASCCC Executive Committee April 2021