Accreditation Visitation Dates

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Status Report

The Accreditation Liaison discussed this resolution with the Executive Director of the AACJC.

Whereas the Accrediting Commission's accreditation site visits are a significant opportunity for faculty to offer input about their campuses, as well as to receive information from the visiting team, and

Whereas the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges' plenary sessions are significant events for expression of educational concerns and faculty training, and

Whereas some community colleges have had Accrediting Commission site visits scheduled at times overlapping plenary sessions, possibly resulting in the loss of qualified faculty for accreditation visits, for the following reasons:
1) Academic senate personnel involved on self-studies may be forced to choose between site visits and plenary session activities; and
2) It may be difficult, or impossible, for faculty chosen for site visitation teams to serve on such a team and still fulfill their duties to the academic senate,

Resolved that the Academic Senate urge the Accrediting Commission to better coordinate site visitation dates with the Academic Senate's plenary sessions and other significant academic conventions.