Advanced Placement (AP) Credit Policies

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Transfer and Articulation Committee
Articulation and Transfer
Research the practices used by colleges for awarding AP credit to be sure that the process is driven by faculty, benefits students, and is inclusive of all disciplines faculty and review such research conducted by local senates and develop a best practices paper.
Status Report

Local AP practices were the basis of a breakout at Fall 2007 session. A Rostrum article discussed advocated a systemwide approach to AP. New resolutions adopted in Spring 2008 should be the focus of the committee's future efforts with respect to AP.

Whereas, Many California community college students attend more than one community college before attaining their educational goals;

Whereas, Many community college students request course credit based upon Advanced Placement (AP) scores;

Whereas, The awarding of Advanced Placement (AP) credit differs notably both among and between community colleges and universities, creating confusion for career/vocational and transfer students; and

Whereas, Community college faculty have purview over the curriculum at their college to determine application of these AP credits, yet many community colleges have no mechanism for a systematic faculty review of AP curriculum and credit policies;

Resolved, That Academic Senate for California Community Colleges strongly recommend that local senates research the practices used by their college departments, the curriculum committee, the program review committee, and other local processes for awarding AP credit to be sure that the process is driven by faculty, benefits students, and is inclusive of all disciplines faculty deem appropriate for the application of AP credit; and

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges review research on AP credit policies and procedures conducted by local senates and develop a best practices paper. MSC Disposition: Local Senates