Affirmative Action, Recruitment

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Diversity and Equity

Whereas the need to hire many additional faculty members in the community colleges during the 1990's will occur because of the increase in retirements, the projected increase in college enrollments, the implementation of matriculation, and the expansion of programs in vocational education, and

Whereas the Academic Senate has long supported a policy of affirmative action to ensure that community college faculty reflect the diversity of the population of the State of California,

Resolved that the Executive Committee of the Academic Senate appoint a committee to develop strategies for identifying individuals, particularly those from underrepresented minorities, who possess the talent to become the next generation of community college faculty, and (through amendment)

Resolved that the committee develop ways to encourage secondary school students and undergraduate college students to seek community college teaching as a career, and

Resolved that the Academic Senate disseminate the report of this committee to local senates and community college governing boards, as well as to state educational policy makers, including the Governors, legislators, the California Postsecondary Education Commission, the Hoard of Governors of the California Community Colleges, the Hoard of Regents of the University of California, the Board of Trustees of the California State University, and the State Department of Education.