ARCC Reporting on Basic Skills

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Assert that discipline faculty have primacy when working with the Chancellor's Office in developing and setting metrics concerning basic skills levels.
Status Report

Faculty have been intimately involved in this process and have worked with the Chancellor's office and the Research and Planning Group (RP) to rework these measures for the new ARCC and the ARCC supplemental report. We will continue to train faculty on this issue through a Hewlett grant project.

Whereas, The Accountability Report for Community Colleges (ARCC) provides statistics regarding success and progress through basic skills courses to the California Legislature;

Whereas, The current ARCC metric does not provide the Legislature with accurate data because all levels of pre-collegiate basic skills courses are reported using ill-defined codes which may insufficiently or inaccurately describe course levels, preventing an accurate accounting of student progression through the levels of basic skill courses;

Whereas, The determination of standards and policies for curriculum, programs, and student preparation and success falls under the faculty's "10+1" areas of responsibility; and

Whereas, Legislative requirements for an ARCC supplemental report on basic skills are currently being defined by the Chancellor's Office for the Legislature;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges assert that discipline faculty have primacy when working with the Chancellor's Office in developing and setting metrics concerning basic skills levels.

Disposition: Chancellor's Office, Local Senates