Articulation of Community College Courses

Resolution Number
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Status Report

Partially satisfied by inclusion in Jan 05 listserv message. A follow up re: articulation will be included in the Feb 05 listserv message. Also recommend this as a suitable for the Area listservs.

Whereas, Articulation between individual California community colleges and individual campuses of the University of California (UC) and California State University (CSU) is based on the course outline of record;

Whereas, The course outline of record is a contract that establishes the objectives and content to be included in a given course; and

Whereas, Distance education offerings are merely an alternative mode of instruction in which a course is taught in accordance with the existing course outline of record;

Resolved, That Academic Senate for California Community Colleges urge each local senate to ensure its distance education offerings are taught according to the existing course outline of record, ensuring the integrity of distance education at both the local and system-wide levels;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges ask local curriculum committees to ensure the appropriateness of online offerings through the distance education approval process; and

Resolved, That, as the course outline of record is the sole basis for articulation, the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges oppose the inclusion of questions pertaining to mode of course delivery as an element of the articulation process.