Cap Removal

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Legislative and Advocacy Committee
State and Legislative Issues
Urge the legislature to remove the current growth cap, and urge the Board of Governors to design and implement a fiscally sound growth plan which will provide resources to meet all community college student needs.
Status Report

ASCCC participates in discussion with the System Office regarding system budget planning. Update 6/25/2015: The ASCCC continues to advocate for the principle of responsible planning for growth.

Whereas the growth cap has not succeeded in equalizing funding for needy districts, and

Whereas growth spending must be planned carefully and must precede targeted growth goals, and

Whereas realistic timelines for growth must be developed and followed to assure an orderly educational delivery system;

Resolved that the Academic Senate urge the legislature to remove the current growth cap, and

Resolved that the Academic Senate urge the Board of Governors to design and implement a fiscally sound growth plan which will provide resources to meet all community college student needs.