Course Basic (CB) 21 Rubrics for Coding Course Outcomes

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Curriculum Committee
Status Report

The CB21 Rubrics have been approved and entered into the MIS system.

Whereas, Faculty statewide from English, mathematics, and related disciplines in credit, noncredit, and adult education vetted the Course Basic (CB) 21 rubrics during the five March 2019 AB 705 Data Revision Project Recoding Regional Meetings;

Whereas, Faculty discipline groups drafted the CB21 rubrics using the federal educational functioning levels (EFLs) currently used by noncredit and adult education practitioners for data reporting purposes for funding and student educational level gains, including the Comprehensive Adult Student Assessment Systems (CASAS);

Whereas, The Academic Senate for California Community Colleges, the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office, West Ed, and the RP Group worked on the AB 705 Data Revision Project to create Management Information System (MIS) data elements to more accurately code transfer-level English, mathematics, and quantitative reasoning courses as well as pre-transfer credit and noncredit courses; and

Whereas, Funding and accountability efforts such as the Student Centered Funding Formula (SCFF), AB 705 (Irwin, 2017), AB 1805 (Irwin, 2018), and others rely on drawing information about students and colleges from coded elements that were not constructed to accurately calculate and align with these current, high-stakes roles;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges approve the CB21 rubrics [1] and endorse their use for coding course levels based on outcomes for local college credit, noncredit, and adult education courses in English, mathematics, and other related or appropriate disciplines.


1. English:…
Quantitative Reasoning:…