Curriculum Guidelines for Alternative Mathematics/English Courses for Associate Degree in Vocational Education

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Noncredit, Pre-Transfer, & Continuing Education Committee
Work with discipline professional organizations to identify examples and develop guidelines for ways that vocational faculty and mathematics and English faculty can work to develop mathematics and English course materials that might better promote successful completion of the new mathematics and English graduation standards; and
Share these examples and guidelines and ways to integrate curriculum at future plenary sessions and institutes.
Status Report

Committee held breakouts at fall and spring plenary and at the Vocational Education Leadership Institute that developed guidelines by facilitating discussions among English, math and vocational faculty. Guidelines should be placed on ASCCC website and be a part of a future Rostrum article.

Whereas, The Title 5 Regulation changes for raising the mathematics and English requirements for an associate degree become effective in Fall 2009;

Whereas, Some faculty are struggling to develop alternative courses in mathematics and English to help students, especially in vocational education disciplines, meet these new requirements;

Whereas, The best learning results happen when faculty across the curriculum work together; and

Whereas, The Academic Senate, through its Mathematics and English Implementation Ad Hoc Committee is gathering samples of course outlines of alternative mathematics and English courses to meet new associate degree requirements;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges cooperate with discipline professional organizations to identify examples and develop guidelines for ways that vocational faculty and mathematics and English faculty can work to develop mathematics and English course materials that might better promote successful completion of the new mathematics and English graduation standards; and

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges share these examples and guidelines and ways to integrate curriculum at future plenary sessions and institutes. MSC Disposition: Local Senates