Curriculum Standards Handbook

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Status Report

Educational Policies Committee review Model District Policy and curriculum handbook for academic freedom violations. Work with Curriculum Committee for changes.

Whereas the Model District Policy mandates approval of courses and prerequisites by college curriculum committees based on "a detailed course syllabus and outline of record, tests, related instructional materials, course format, type and number of examinations and grading criteria...," and

Whereas the Curriculum Standards Handbook states that "courses ...will be taught in accordance with the course outline," and

Whereas these and other statements in the Curriculum Standards Handbook may be construed in some quarters to restrict academic freedom,

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges affirm that nothing in the Model District Policy or in the Curriculum Standards Handbook is to be construed to limit the academic freedom of the classroom instructor in using his/her skills, training, and/or teaching techniques and strengths to the best advantage for conducting the class in a manner which will best result in the students attaining the desired objectives of the class as stated in the course outline of record.
M/S/U Disposition: Chancellor's Office, Executive Committee, Local Senates