Defense of Physical Education Programs

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Status Report

This resolution was addressed in Consultation Council and via other communications with the field.

Whereas, Physical education courses have been evaluated and approved by college curriculum committees, meet all requirements for academic rigor in compliance with Title 5, and are not “recreational” or “superfluous” courses;

Whereas, Because many California community college degrees require physical education as a locally determined graduation requirement, the drastic reduction or elimination of physical education course offerings dramatically impedes students’ abilities to achieve their educational goals;

Whereas, Resolution 13.07 S09 supported the maintenance of physical education as credit courses, asking that “the Board of Governors dismiss the recommendation of the 2009 Legislative Analyst’s Office Budget Analysis report to re-classify physical education courses and maintain that all credit courses currently taught on campuses in the discipline of physical education be classified and funded as credit courses,” and cuts to physical education courses undermine physical education programs’ viability, upon which intercollegiate student athletics and student scholarships depend; and

Whereas, Physical education courses are central to some career majors, such as public safety professionals (Police, Fire, Lifeguard), athletic training, kinesiology, physical therapy, and other allied health programs;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges work with faculty in physical education/exercise science to develop responses and action plans for addressing criticisms and concerns from the Legislature and others about the quality and necessity of these courses and later convene other faculty discipline groups that feel threatened by the Legislature or other groups.

MSC Disposition: Local Senates, Consultation Council