Early Messaging to Identify and Award Degrees

Resolution Number
In Progress
Status Report

CLFIC reviewed the Chancellor’s Office 2010 DAR survey results provided by Patrick Perry. There were approximately 60 responses to the survey of schools indicating that they did use a degree audit program. The three most frequent programs being used were Datatel, Degree Works, and Banner/Degree Works or Banner/and a compatible program.

Whereas, President Obama has called for an additional five million community college degrees within the next ten years in the American Graduation Initiative, which may have federal funding associated with it; and

Whereas, Many students with adequate coursework do not earn degrees because they fail to apply, have courses from multiple colleges, or do not understand the process;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges work with the Chancellor’s Office to explore technological options for audits of degrees and transfer plans in order to assist students with their academic goals, recognizing that pursuit of such options does not replace the necessity of students’ regular contact with a counselor;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges recognize the significant roles that California community college counseling faculty, intersegmental articulation officers, and the ASSIST Coordination site play in the development of an audit system for degrees and transfer plans; and

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community College explore legislative and other options to direct research and, if indicated by the data, initiate a pilot study using existing and/or new technology for statewide degree audits to review student records; identify and alert students that are one or two courses away from or who have already met requirements for a degree; and identify coursework needed to successfully transfer to a CSU or UC.

MSC Disposition: ICAS, Chancellor’s Office, Local Senates