Engineering Technology

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Disciplines List
Status Report

Forward to BOG for implementation.

Whereas the two-year segment of the Engineering Liaison Committee representing Engineering and Engineering Technology programs in community colleges proposed the adoption of a Master's level Engineering Technology discipline, and

Whereas the proposal was deleted after the consultation and hearing process since the Master's Degree in Engineering Technology is not offered in California, and

Whereas the "1996 Disciplines Review and Time Line" adopted at the 1994 Spring Session allows exceptions for emerging disciplines, and

Whereas the "1996 Disciplines Review and Time Line" allows any change deleted from the list after the consultation and hearing process to be returned to the list through the regular resolution process at either an area meeting or the Spring Session,

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges recommend that the Board of Governors adopt the following changes in the Disciplines List:
On the Master's list, add Engineering Technology: Master's in any field of engineering technology or engineering OR Bachelor's degree in either of the above AND Master's in physics, mathematics, computer science, biological science, or chemistry OR the equivalent.
On the non-master's list, change
Engineering Technologies to Engineering Support
M/S/C Disposition: Board of Governors, Chancellor's Office, Executive Committee, Local Senates